When She's Jealous

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Your POV

I sighed once again and waited for Ally outside their studio, i was sitting on the bench.
"Y/n is that you?" i heard a deep voice
"OH MY GOD JOSH?!!" i squealed and hugged him tight.
"How have you been? It's been like 4 years?" i giggled and ruffled his hair.
"I've been fine" i said and smiled sweetly at him.
"Oh damn you're looking good" he said and scanned me from head to toe.
"Yeah I've been told from time to time" i said and flipped my hair.
"Well if that's the case then, can you you know go out with me?" he said and wiggled his brows.
"Su---" i was cut of by Ally pulling me to her side and glaring at Josh.

"Excuse me but she's already taken by me, And you don't stand a chance. She's gay okay? Gay G-A-Y, and she's mine so back off!" she growled at him
I laughed and stood in front of her.
"Baby---" i got cut off again
"And even if you have a nice hair she will---" I put my hand in Ally's mouth to stop her from talking.

"Ally! He's my Childhood best friend and he's also gay" i said and laughed loudly with josh.
She blushed and hid behind me.
"Oh, god.... I'm sorry" she said clearly embarrassed.
"Well looks like you've got yourself a girlfriend huh sister?" josh nudged me
"Yep a very jealous one" i said and laughed.
"Well i need to go, I've got a man waiting for me" he winked at me and turned to leave.
"Bye!! See you soon" i said and waved him goodbye.

Then Ally punched me playfully
"Why?? Oh god that is so embarrassing!"
"I know" i said and laughed at her cuteness.
"I love you" she said and kissed my cheeks.
"Love you more".

Normani's POV

I went inside the cafe with the girls and as soon as i stepped in the shop, the amazing smell of coffee and books hits my nose.
"Who's gonna order?" Dinah asked and sat down on the table.
"I'll do it" Ally said and got our orders.

A familiar laugh caught my attention, i snapped my head towards that direction and saw my girlfriend laughing with a blonde girl.
"What the fuck?" i questioned myself as the girl held y/n's hand. I stood up and tried to calm myself.

I cleared my throat and that surely got their attention. I saw y/n smiled at me and the girl scoffed.
"Hey baby? What are you doing here?" she asked sweetly and pulled me down  the seat beside her.
"I'm here with the girls, what are YOU doing here?" I said and kissed her lips few times. The girl in the front rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me? But do you have a problem with me?" i spat at her. Y/n gripped my hand under the table to make me calm. It does work but then

"Actually yeah i have. I've been wanting to go out with y/n but she couldn't cuz she's with you and now that i had that chance, here you are ruining our moment." she said angrily
"Oh so now I'm ruining your moment with MY girlfriend?!" i said loudly so a few people from the cafe looked at us but i could care less.
"Anna! Normani stop it!" y/n whisper/yelled at us.

I huffed and picked y/n's things and went back to our table.
"What is wrong with you!" i asked my girlfriend who sighed heavily.
"I did not know she liked me like that, i thought she wanted to be my friend" she said weakly and leaned onto me, calming me completely. I sighed and kissed her head.
"It's fine babe i... I was just jealous, just don't go out with her again hm?"
She nodded and kissed my shoulder.

Lauren's POV

Y/n is now talking with a guy, and has been for like an hour. She keeps on laughing and slapping the guy's arm.
I huffed and sat back down the bench.
We were rehearsing and now we're on a break.
"Oh my god it does!!" she said and laughed loudly while snorting cutely.

Ugh when will they stop talking.
I groaned and stood up deciding to get my girlfriend back.
"So y/n can i maybe get your number?"
He asked bluntly and moved closer to my girlfriend. MY girlfriend.
"Y--" i cut off y/n and pushed the guy away from her.
"No you can't" i said firmly
"Why? You don't jave a boyfriend right?"
He asked and looked at y/n who blushed and shook her head no.
"I don't, but i have a girlfriend" she said and hugged my waist, i sighed in relief and smirked at the guy.
"And that's me so back the fuck off and don't go near her ever again or i swear to god I'll fucking beat your ass off" i said and he nodded frantically and stumbled away.

"Wow babe you scared the shit out of him" y/n giggled and pinched my side
I grabbed her neck and kissed her deeply.
"You're hot when you're jealous" she whispered and wiggled her thick bushy brows.
"I'm not jealous" i shot back and pulled her after me as i was walking towards the stage.
I pushed her gently on the couch near the stage.
"Stay. I don't want to see you again talking to some douchebags okay?"
She nodded and smiled sweetly.
"You're so easy to get jealous"
"I'm not, i love you i gotta go practice"
She nodded and mouthed i love you back.

Dinah's POV

Me and my beautiful girlfriend is walking around in town holding hands and eating coned ice-cream.
I giggled when the melted ice-cream rolled down y/n's chin. I pull her face to me and wiped the ice-cream away. She giggled and kissed my nose.
"Y/n?? Oh my god it's you!!" a tan with black hair ran to my baby and jumped at her, so y/n is now carrying her.
"Giezel? Oh damn girl i missed you!!"
She let go of my arm and threw them around her.
"Here baby hold this for me" she said and held out her ice-cream to me. I sighed and held her ice-cream.

"How are you doing? My god i missed you so much and of course Kendis did too, you know that girl is head over heels for you" She said and laughed together whit y/n.
"Oh don't remind me shit, she even locked us in a janitor's closet and--" she got cut off by the girl.
"And kissed you. I know she have been blabbering about it for days and gosh it is so annoying"

I looked at y/n in disbelief, how could she talk about that when I'm just here infront of them.
"But by the way i have to go now baby, I'm with my man. But give me your number tho i want to meet up with you again" she said and tapped y/n's butt.
Okay that's just inappropriate.

After the girl is gone, i sighed and walked away from y/n.
"Babe wait up!" she called me but i walked faster.
She laughed and ran after me. When we reached the car she hugged me and lean in to kiss me but i tilted my head so she kissed my cheeks instead of my lips.

"What's wrong?" she asked and stoked me hair gently.
"Nothing, go kiss your kendis or that girl grizzle" i scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"It's Geizel baby and are you jealous right now?"
"Nope, get off me! Back the hell up" i said and pushed her gently.
She hugged my body tighter and kissed my neck.
"Okay, I'm a little bit jealous okay"
I admitted and gripped her ass. She gasped and laughed loudly.
"Mygod i can't with you" she teased me and traced my pouting lips with her finger. She kissed me and rocked her hips to me.
"I only love you okay.. I'M YOURS ONLY" she emphasized every word and kissed me again.

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