"What has that man down to you?" Sahana asked in Hindi. "You've grown too much. Didn't I tell you to stay shorter than I?"

I laughed. "Yeah, Sahana, you did. I missed you a lot."

"I did too, baby." Sahana looked at Rhodey, who was standing behind me. "Who's this?"

I glanced behind me. "This is Colonel James Rhodes, my fiancé."

Sahana rolled her eyes and waved her hand. "Aisa, Charlie. You're so grown up now. He's military, eh? You did well. He will bring you luck. I will be there to help plan it. Have you found your dress?"

I shook my head. "We're here to get it" I placed a hand on my hip. "And who said you'd be my wedding planner?"

"I did," Sahana replied before turning her attention to Rhodey. She walked around him and poked at him. Sahana stopped in front of him before turning to face me. "You picked well. He's good looking. I will help you chose a dress too."

"Running my life again, Auntie?" I teased.

Sahana flicked me with a rag. "Always, baby. Meet me here at five, okay?"

I kissed Sahana's cheek. "Yes, Auntie."

"Take your time looking around, baby," Sahana said. "We changed a lot here."

"Are you sure the Headmaster would be okay with it?" I asked.

Sahana looked back at me with her hand on her hip. "If you don't think that bastard isn't in my pocket than you're mistaken, baby. I run this house if you forgot."

I kissed her cheek again. "I missed you, Auntie."

Sahana smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "I missed you too, baby. Now go. Spend some time with your husband. Come back at five, okay?"

"Yes, of course."

Rhodey and I walked around the orphanage for a bit. I pointed out different things that I remembered. When we finished, we sat outside and I told him about the day I was adopted. I was young and I don't remember everything but I remember the happiness I felt.

We wandered around nearby and returned to the orphanage at five. Sahana was walking down the stairs as we walked up. She was in normal everyday clothes and she hugged me.

"Does she know any English?" Rhodey asked quietly.

"Only a little." I turned back to Sahana and translated it.

She nodded. "Then our conversations will have to be longer than if we spoke the same. I know a great place to get your dress. Come along."

We walked through the streets and Sahana stopped at a shop. They had dressed lining the walls of different colors. Sahana spoke rapidly as she led us through the lines. I stopped a red dress that looked beautiful. Sahana stopped too and started talking about it as my fingers traced the skirt.

 Sahana stopped too and started talking about it as my fingers traced the skirt

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"Do you want to try it on?" Sahana finished with.

"Yes," I replied.

Sahana called for the shopkeeper and he got the dress down. I went into the changing room and got changed. I spun around in the mirror and checked out myself. I looked beautiful and stunning in the dress. Sahana called for me to come out and I stepped out of the door. Rhodey had stepped out with only Sahana to see me.

After Sahana had finished complimenting me, I asked, "Where's Rhodey?"

"I asked him to step out," Sahana replied. "I don't want him to see you. It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress. We're getting that one, baby."

I spun around once more. "Where's all the jewelry?"

"You can wear mine," Sahana replied.

"You were married?"

Sahana started picking at my dress. "For a time, yes. He sadly passed away more than a decade ago."

"Sorry, Auntie," I replied, picking at my skirt. "Do you think Rhodey will like this?"

Sahana grabbed my face. "He will love it. Don't worry, baby child. You're beautiful and he would be an idiot if he didn't think you're as stunning as you are."

I smiled and shifted side by side, watching my skirt sway back and forth. "Thank you, Auntie. I'm going to go take this off before buying it."

"I'll get it for you."

"No, Auntie," I objected. "You don't need to do that. I'll get it."

Sahana grabbed my shoulder. "You're my child, Charlie. I will buy it for you."

I sighed, giving in. "Yes, Auntie. I'll go take this off."

I took off the dress and changed into my normal clothes. By the time I got out of the changing room, Sahana was already up at the front desk talking to the clerk. She bought the dress and it was put into a box. I carried it out and we joined Rhodey, who was sitting at a nearby café with a coffee in his hand.

Rhodey looked up. "Are you guys done?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's beautiful."

"Tell him I'm planning the wedding so you don't have to hire one," Sahana said.

"Yes, Auntie." I turned to Rhodey. "She said she'll plan the wedding. Sahana, won't you have to stay because of the orphanage?"

Sahana patted my cheek. "I'm retiring and my last day is Friday. I'll come with you when you leave."

"Okay," I said, translating for Rhodey. We finished up soon and I said goodbye to Sahana. We split from each other and I returned to the hotel with Rhodey. I yawned as I shuffled in and climbed into bed, falling asleep within a few minutes.

Mistakes Were Made (Avengers/James Rhodes)Where stories live. Discover now