It was a far cry from the storm Antares had tried to invoke. Instead of teeth, lips and tongue sent drugging fire through the blood. Fangs were sheathed and hands caressed.

In place of the sharp slap of flesh on flesh, there was the sob of pleasure as Antares sank himself into her heat for the first time. He paused, struggling as her fire began eating at his self imposed limitations.

"Rome..." he gasped as his hold started slipping. Romulus slipped an arm up around him, nuzzling his neck.

"You're fine," he assured huskily. "Right, Lyra?"

"Fine doesn't even begin to cover it." she managed. A shock wave of pleasure rolled over her and her nails dug into his shoulders as she arched into him.

Romulus' arm tightened as Antares growled. The shimmer of magic shone brightly under Antares' skin, briefly fascinating both of his mates. Romulus nipped at a pinpoint of light and Antares turned his head enough for Romulus to see the fangs begin to lengthen. His lips curved.

"Still want that storm, incubus?" he purred as he slid a hand up into Antares' hair, eliciting a purr from Antares' throat. His fingers massaged and pet, slowly finding the perfect grip.

"What?" Antares paused and Romulus took the opportunity to wrap Antares' hair around his hand to keep his head raised without hurting him.

And her neck out of reach of his fangs.

"Now you can let go, my love," Romulus said huskily. "You won't hurt her. I've got you."

Antares let out a throaty laugh at the beautiful freedom he'd been handed. He began to move and found that his movement was strictly controlled by the man over him. A shiver ran over him.

"You seem to be on top of the situation, Rome," Lyra said, having caught her breath from the sight above her. "Your move."

He smiled wickedly. "It is, isn't it?" He began moving slowly as Lyra ran her hands up the vibrating strength of Antares' arms. He went down on his elbows so he could run his fingers through her hair. He began following Romulus' rhythm with his hips and her hands clung to his arms as the pleasure ricocheted through her. The colors in his skin shone brighter as she slid her hands around his shoulders, bringing herself up against him. His groan reverberated against the walls of their room as Romulus used his free hand to pull them both closer in a tighter dance.

"Kiss me," Antares demanded and she laughed, her hips moving with theirs' flawlessly.

"And miss hearing that beautiful voice?" she teased, but scraped her teeth over his exposed throat. "I'm looking forward to having fangs to bite into these colors. You know, really getting to taste the rainbow."

Romulus laughed. "Trust me." he leaned down and scraped his fangs over the skin the colors swirled under. "The taste is beyond description."

"You two are going to kill me." Antares groaned as her mouth played over his neck. Her tongue found the chain of the necklace and she paused, looking over Antares' shoulder at Romulus'.

He nodded and she unhooked the necklace and looped it around her own neck. Then closed her mouth over Antares' chin.

They knew he wouldn't be able to do the transfer without his fear ruling his actions. So when he tried pulling away to stop her, Rome's hand tightened.

"Rome," he pleaded. "Not yet."

Her teeth scraped and soothed before she nuzzled up to his ear. "Trust us, Antares," she whispered, her voice already going husky as her pleasure built. She went back down on the bed, just letting her hips ride the wave as they moved as a unit. His movement became deeper but the pace didn't increase, much to the frustration of them both.

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