Chapter 8: Talent Show Auditions and Strange Visions

Start from the beginning

  Finally it was our turn, I stood in front of the others as we all sat down on stools and faced the crowd. "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, we are Sugar Skull. We are singing a slow tune called Time Machine by a Korean group named Girls Generation. I hope you will enjoy it. Thank you." I said as I smile and nod towards Demyx and Namine who started to play the song. Then we started to sing,  and I felt a surge of happiness go through me as I sang. I saw Noctis sitting behind his brother. I noticed he was actually listening. I stood up for my part and started to sing with a passion. I made sure the other girls got a share of the spotlight



"Wow, I didn't know Kay could sing that well! Bro, are you listening?" Cid R said looking at his brother. Noctis was blank. "Not again, Noctis you got to stop hanging around Stella." Cid said as he smacked the back of Noctis's head. "OW! What was that for? Wait who has that beautiful voice singing?" Noctis said as he rubbed the back of his head and looked on the stage to see Kay singing and smiling.

"Noctis, it's good for you to join us. I'm sure Kay will be happy to know that you actually listened to her singing" Cloud said chuckling. 

"Ohh shut up Cloud, I know you have a little crush on Blondie!" Noctis said blushing as he looked at Kay, Cloud was about to say something but was silenced by Riza's look. 

Noctis kept his eyes on Kay and closed his eyes as Kay started to belt out her voice. Something about that voice soothed him and put a smile on it. 


Kay's POV

Once we finished our song, we all bowed as the crowd went crazy. I smiled as I saw Ncotis smiling at me. He must of remembered me when Cid Raines smacked him.Me and the others bowed as we left the stage. I saw Kairi and her gang of friends fumming. "Why did you get to play your whole song??? Your song wasn't that good! Just watch we will be in the talent show and you won't be!" Kairi said. "Yeah and stay away from Noctis! He doesn't want you! You ugly untalented witch!" Stella yelled. Just then Riza yelled out "Talent show acts will be posted Tomorrow on the website! You all did a great job. Have a great week!" 

I was about to say something then Noctis came up to us with a large bouquet of blue roses. He walked right passed Stella to stand in front of me. 

"Pretty flowers for a pretty girl. You did a great job Miss Kay. I look forward of seeing you again sometime Miss. Kay." Noctis said as he handed me the flowers and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed deep red as the other girls giggled. Stella's jaw dropped when she saw this. "Noctis, thank you. You're soo sweet. Here I want to give you something sort of protection." I said as I handed the flowers to Blondie to hold but then I saw Prompto handing Blondie her own flowers. I carefully set down the flowers, to close my eyes to create a fire-ice gem just for Noctis. I opened my eyes and there was the gem in my palm and hanging from a black string. I mentally added some protection spells before I held it up. The gem was shaped like a pheonix since I remembered what was Noctis's family crest. 

"Wow Kay, that's beautiful. Look the Pheonix lights up with a flame!" Blondie said pointed it out. 

"Thanks Blondie, Noctis this is my gift for you." I said as I handed the gift to him. "Kay, its wonderful, would you do the honors and putting it on me?" Noctis said softly smiling at me. I nodded as I put the necklace around him. "Keep that on always. It will protect you against ANY spell" I said whispering in his ear. Noctis nodded and looked at it. "What if it will melt?" Noctis asked. "It won't I made sure that ice is more like stone and wont melt. Though if it does let me know and I can make you a new one." I said shly. 

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