Chapter 12

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It'd been a week since I had brought baby William home with me. I'd hardly gotten any sleep since he kept me up for hours on end crying but Alex was there to help so it made things a little easier. We hadn't heard from Jace since he left but Alex said he was posting on some girls story who went to our school, Lesley or something.

I tried texting and calling him but it just went straight to voicemail.

"Hey baby bagaboo" I cood at William who was wiggling his legs on Alex's bed.

I kissed his little head making him coo more before I picked him up and got ready to breast feed once again. Alex was in the shower since he'd only gotten like an hour or two of sleep since he wanted me to get some sleep last night. The least I could do was make us breakfast after I fed William.

I was scrolling through ig when I seen a picture of Amber and the girl she was kissing. They had made a lomotif of their relationship and although I wasn't too jealous I still felt a little hate to her. I scrolled passed and liked a few of my friends and associates posts and then there was a knock on the door. Alex couldn't get the door since he was still in the shower so I had to set William In his crib and get it myself.

I walked downstairs and when I opened the door it was a drunk Jace.

"Hey stace, I missed you" he slurred his words as he tumbled over to me but I moved so he wouldn't touch me. "why you moving like you scared of me huh"

"You've been MIA for a week asshole after talking about how you wanted to be in your son's life"

"Is he here? My son?" he pushed pass me causing me to fall into the wall. "Where the fuck is he Stacey"

He made his way upstairs and i chased after him but he was too fast. He picked up William which only made him cry and every time I tried to take him from him he just pushed me to the side.

"Please" i begged him "please put m- our son dowm Jace I'll do anything"

He looked at me with a smirk before putting the baby down and the walked over to me. I was about to talk but he covered my mouth and started yanking down my sweatpants. I tried screaming but that just made press more pressure on my mouth causing years to roll down my cheeks. I wish Alex would hurry up in the shower but he probably didn't hear a thing since he was at the end of the hallway.

He yanked my panties down and then his pants and before I knew it he shoved himself in me causing pain everywhere. He thrust in me again opening my legs wider and Moving his hand from my mouth to my neck choking me he kept going. I felt like I was about to pass out but then right before I knew it, Jace was on the floor.

I started crying and shaking hard and William was crying too. Alex ran up to me in his towel and scooped me close to his chest as I cried trying to hug him but eventually gave up and let him hold me. He eventually got up and handed me William so he can calm down too.

He looked down at Jace and then looked back up at me but his look had changed. When I looked down there was a huge puddle of blood coming from his head and on the metal bat that I guess Alex had hit him with.

"I- wh- what'd you do Alex?" I said as I felt my voice getting lost again. I know I hated Jace especially for what he just did, but I could never want him dead...he was the father of my son.

"Don't come at me Stace! I just saved you! This is on both of us and I don't even know if he's really dead yet!"

"So fucking check!" I screamed causing William to start crying again. "Shit sorry baby shhh please shhhh"

Alex bent down and when he came back up he didn't say anything he just looked at me with his fingers covered in blood. Right then and there I knew he had killed Jace and if we didn't do something now we'd be in prison soon.

"We have to do something Alex! Now!"

"I know i know, put William down and grab some trash bags and my sleeping bag in the hall closet"

I quickly grabbed trash bags from the bathroom and Alex's old sleeping bag along with some yellow cleaning gloves that were there too.

Three hours later we had cleaned up everything around the murder scene and all we had left was to hide the body or get rid of it and i was going with get rid of it so it couldn't be traced back to us.

"Wait Stace what will they do when they realize he's missing? Should we forge a note and say he ran away" Alex had said as we both sat on the bed panting from all our hard work.

"Yea yes that sounds good...can you do it on his phone? But use the gloves so no finger prints get on it" I said back to him.

He nodded and did what he needed to do. I was changing clothes when I jumped from my phone ringing. It was my little brother.

"Hey Stacey what you doing"

"I uh uh Jason Its not really a good time"

"What's wrong you sound scared"

"No" i was holding back tears "just a bit tired with the baby and all"

"Oh okay well I'll call you you Sissy"

"Love you too "

"Who was that" Alex said as he came in.

"Jason my baby brother"

"Ob okay I don't know but we might have to leave town for a few days"

"Have you never watched murder movies dummy? If we leave town we'll look suspicious i mean look you're his brother in law and I'm his baby mamma they could say we killed him because you wanted me and so did he they could spin the story so bad we'll be in jail for ever"

He laughed which actually brightened up the mood some but it was starting to smell weird.  "We should do this tonight though Alex"

He nodded and that was how we pulled my baby daddy's dead body into the back of Alex's car and took William with us to get rid of a body. We were taking it to the edge of town in a swamp that nobody ever goes to unless it starts to flood which is once every few years so it seems, during flood season. We had to be careful with what we were doing, we wore gloves and put bath salt on the body to help keep the Smell at a minimum.

"You know what I'm really craving?" I said to Alex three hours later after we had gotten back home and cleaned ourselves up.

"What's that?" He replied.

"A peanut butter sandwich and nice big glass of milk to go with it"

"Now that i can get by, I'm gonna go make us some while you get William to sleep"

As soon as he headed out I put sleeping William to sleep and layed back on the bed. Everything had happened so fast that I really didn't have time to morn for Jace. I knew I shouldn't but at the same time I did. What was I going to tell William as he got older? That me and his step brother killed him? I tried to push those thoughts away amd think of positive things until I realized I was crying. I wiped my eyes and tried to hide it but as soon as Alex seen he came over and gave me a huge hug.

"I'm so so so sorry Stacey...I wish I could take back what I did" he said as he held me close.

"It's fine" I said moving away and wiping my eyes off. "Now about that peanut butter sandwich and milk" i said eye balling it on the nightstand.

"Have at it" he chuckled.

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