Chapter XI: A Botched Quest

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Nico sat in the back of a four door sedan fuming at the blonde in the front seat. It wasn't something she had done but it was her nature that he repulsed. She had no rigid sense of honour just an insatiable thirst for knowledge regardless of its mundane nature and to add to that was the fact that she was Greek. The olive skinned boy was accompanied by his sister, who was rubbing circles on his hand to comfort him and was also the only reason he had even agreed to bring along the annoying daughter of Minerva. His sister placated him and told him that they could use her knowledge to learn their mother's whereabouts, something that they were intent on doing before the quest was complete. The blonde boy had proven to be an excellent travel companion as he was marvelous at obtaining resources, a skill privy to the children of Mercury. He had the radio turned on but it was at a lower volume and Nico and Bianca were thankful for that. They were huddled up with legs on each other and Bianca's head rested on his shoulder while his rested on hers. Anyone would mistake them for lovers, if not for the identical nature of their appearances.

Despite Chiron warning them, Nico insisted that they go northeast. A direction that would lead them to Canada, yet Nico and even Bianca to an extent reaffirmed them by misinterpreting Nico's conversation. It took a few attempts but after a thorough discussion, the group began travelling north East and towards Canada. The Greeks only agreed because some faun had told them of an apparent Greek demigod that needed an escort back to camp. But when the faun had told them to reach the military academy at Maine, Nico had no doubt that the legion and the praetor must have found the Greek and were ambushed. The strange man who appeared to him had slowly been teaching Nico the ways of Rome. Beginning with the history and culture to modern practices and so on. He was proud to be a Roman but a small part of him was worried. What did it mean for his sister? She was Greek and if the words of the stranger were true, then she would never have a place in Rome. To top off his list of anxieties, the daughter of Minerva kept intruding on the siblings. When questioned she would say that she was making sure they weren't spies. But Nico knew that she just couldn't accept not knowing something and that it would continue to drive her to do worse things.

Closing his eyes to clear his thoughts, the Roman half-blood sighed deeply. He felt the warm hand of his sister touch the cold skin of his cheek. She ran a hand through his hair as she too placed her head on his chest and sighed. To the outside world, it appeared as thought the siblings had fallen asleep but little did anyone know that they were talking. Communicating via their thoughts. 'Nick, are you worried again? I told you we will be fine.', Bianca asked. Nico replied after a mental sigh, 'Of course I am worried, Bi. Remember what he said, that we would meet our destiny with the Romans, the enemies of the Greeks.' The girl remained silent for several seconds before mentally responding, 'This conversation is not over, Nick. We will continue this when we ditch the blondes.' Her brother remained silent before nodding and snuggling into her embrace. With that the twins actually fell asleep, unaware of the blondes talking about them.


Saying that Annabeth was an intelligent girl, would be an insult. She was smart and dangerous, but despite all her talent, she couldn't keep certain aspects of her personality under check. Her pride being the most relevant of them. Luke wanted to confide in Annabeth his deepest fear pertaining to the rise of the titan lord but he knew that she wouldn't even consider it unless she saw it herself. He was the only son of Hermes to inherit his father's least known domain, a dangerous power he knew could end in his own destruction. Despite holding a massive grudge against the messenger god, Luke knew enough Greek mythology to know of the supposed golden age. An era of bloodshed, fear, and chaos ended by the culmination of the first titanomachy. A war that nearly ripped the earth apart as nature seemed to fight itself. Luke's hand nervously shivered as he tapped a finger along the circumference of the steering wheel. He looked into the rear view mirror and his heart softened when he saw the twins snuggled up and fast asleep, a sight so rare and peaceful to be seen amongst demigods.

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