"Not at the moment." Liam shrugged, "But what about you miss Carmichael, by my reasoning you should be at university by now."

I laughed a little and nodded before answering.

"I am, second year Kings College."

"Good for you Poppy! I'm so proud." Liam grinned as he squeezed my shoulder. "Art History? Or did you change your mind again... you mentioned something about fine arts once too."

A sharp pang went through my heart as Liam mentioned my old interests and I tried not to let it show on my face as I sucked a shaky breath in and reminded myself it was for the best.

"Uh neither actually." I admitted slowly, watching as a crease formed between Liam's brows. "Law."

"Law?" Liam repeated, the shock and confusion clear on his face as I nodded.

"English and American Law, to be exact." I told him, as Niall let out a low whistle making me flush slightly as I nudged him, making him laugh. "Criminology and Criminal Justice are my credited modules."

"Are you fucking kidding me Poppy?" Liam let out a harsh laugh.

"Payne." Harry snapped suddenly making me look at him, his eyes trained on me and I shook my head slightly at him. I wasn't sure what exactly just happened but it didn't warrant that reaction.

"You're well smart then, thats so sexy." Niall spoke up, breaking the tension and making both me and Liam roll our eyes but mine was accompanied by a laugh.

"Not really," I shrugged, "But hey if you ever a need a lawyer in the next five years."

"I'll keep that in mind but I don't really associate with criminals apart from this bunch." Niall jerked a thumb at the group and I swallowed. Oh.

"Don't include me in that you prick." Liam spoke up making me laugh slightly.

"How'd you two know each other?" Zayn suddenly spoke and I blinked as his words were clouded by a heavy northern accent.

I mean I knew Liam was from up north and clearly so was Harry, I just hadn't worked out where from yet, but for some reason I didn't expect Zayn to sound so...Yorkshire.

I glanced at Liam who gestured for me to explain and I swallowed, did I really want to go down this rabbit hole?

"Liam did quite a lot of work with my brother, they're the same age," I glanced at Liam for confirmation who nodded. "And I think they were friends at the time as well. And I'm just the annoying younger sister who had to be involved."

"Always liked you better anyway." Liam squeezed my shoulder making me lean into him.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Harry stated making me glance at him and nod slowly. I wasn't aware he was even listening.

"Yup. Max." I said lamely, watching as Harry nodded and went back to talking to Louis like he wasn't the one who'd just been interested in the conversation.

"Last I heard he was in New York." Liam stated and I nodded licking my lip.

"Still is, coming up to three years." I explained, "I'm meant to be face timing him soon I'll say hi if you want." I lied.

Liam didn't need to know that Max still hadn't replied to me, his only sibling. But I was capable of playing happy families.

"It's no big deal. Are you still in Primrose Hill?" Liam shrugged off my offer and I briefly wondered if he and Max ever were actual friends.

"Yup, you're always welcome if you wanna hang out." I smiled before finishing off my drink and rubbing my hands on my thighs. "I'm just gunna go to the bathroom."

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