Shocking News

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Stella POV

I felt the SUV slow down as we pulled into the familiar driveway that leads to our home in the last five years. I heard the side door that was closest to me open to reveal the scents woodsy musk and coal dust mixed with molten iron. I knew that my brothers Luka and Elias were there to greet us but also tell us something important enough that couldn't be said once we were inside. The October breeze was making its presence known as it tried to push me to my brothers quickly. "Kalekona, grab your bags before Pipi does. You knew what happens when she is in a playful mood" Kehili called out to me as he was closing the passenger door on the SUV. Laughing at Techno, I headed to the back of the vehicle. As I was heading back, the scent of applewood told me that Apollo was at the back giving the bags out to the rest of us, "Ahi, I got your bags, Pipi is not getting them again like before."I signed to Holo: Thank you for that. Could we hurry please because I'm hungry and so is the rest? "Kaikaina, come over here," Elias called out to me. Once I within arms reach form them, they both hug tightly. Stepping back, I signed: What is going on that we have to talk outside instead of inside the warm house? Luka finally said "The Blackbourne team is inside along with the Toma team" Trying to understand why the Blackbourne team would be here, I was racking my brain as to what might the problem that they needed to brought in to solve. I knew that they were still alive due to the conversation I overheard between Dr. Roberts and Sean about a year ago. I waited to answer my brothers as I let the memory wash over me.

I placed myself at a conner where Phil couldn't see me. I was wondering who he left in a rush to talk to. "Sean, so good to see you. Look this can't be long for I have a patient who needs my help." Silence followed but not for long "I know that your team is more active then you guys have been in a while. Here is the folder you requested on the kids you just saved" I heard another voice call out to Phil "Dr.Roberts, your patient just left her room." I peeked from the conner to hear something being said so softly that I couldn't pick it up. "Thanks, Nora" Phil called out to the nurse who told him about me being gone. I quickly went back to the room on silent feet.

I signed to them: What mission are we needed for that one of the best teams in America beside us is here to help us out? I heard Luka move his head to look at Elias, then they give me a brief overview of the mission. I heard it all, I was torn between being happy to hear their voices again and doing what was needed to keep my codename in the shadows for now where they wouldn't find out that I was one of the most dangerous people alive yet. I heard everyone else gather around me and ask questions to Luka and Elias about the job we just received. Commander was not a very good commander due to the fact that we weren't told about this as he should have on a military job we are working. Looks like our fifth commander, Commander Wren,  is going to be replaced hopefully someone good this time after all the fiasco three and a half years ago. I heard all the questions and the answers until Luka said "That's enough for now, let's go eat dinner. I know you guys are hungry from being debriefed. Schwester, time to go eat steaks and potatoes with greens" Elias cleared the path for me to get to the door and opened it up to smell all the Toma team and Shadow. I also smelled scents I haven't smell in five years. Determine to keep my codename safe for now and get to know my guys after 5 years to do somethings I was known for, a happy balance. Steeling my shoulders, I stepped inside the house.

Corey POV

Getting up after the majority of the crowd that included the new person who was named Grayson within this room was starting to sit to eat what they gathered. I was focusing on gathering my dinner so we could get the mission going. However, that didn't stop thinking about what Luka said told me earlier on the phone call. Stella was gone for six months, SIX months! Brandon noticed my face and asked quietly "What are you thinking about" "Stella being gone for the last six months and she is coming home today." "That's awesome, but six months?" "Yup, also we are finally meeting her military team too." "When did you find that out" "After we got here, I asked Elias what military team they were sending out to help out." "Good, then we can make sure that she is with a good team when she is not with her family." "Bad timing but when we first met her, do you think that we be this protective of her as friends or as something more?" "Not sure but we have known her now for three and a half years." We sat down near Kota and Victor and started eating. Axel started a conversation with Silas and North when Raven butted in. With Raven talking, there was a start of different topics per group at the table. I was cutting my meat that Elias prepared when I heard the door open for a second time this evening when I looked up and saw new people that were being greeted by Luka and Elias. Looking into the back of the crowd, I noticed Stella being stealthy and grabbing attention from her family. I noticed that Blackbourne was looking at her was a strange look that had me confused. "Stella so good to have you home without a limb missing" I heard Luka say to Stella teasingly.  I noticed a change of happiness to shock on Stella's face when she turned and noticed Blackbourne and Sean. She signed Hey guys, long time no see with tears that started to go down her beautiful face along with a sad smile I knew too well. Dr. Green stood up and was making his way towards her rather quickly before I could say anything about her being blind and mute. Within a couple of seconds, I held my breath as I felt my body tense up with worry for Doc and Stella. Stella quickly realized that someone was coming towards her and her body tense in preparation for an attack with all the small movements that she was doing. Sean was about to hug her when he went down to the ground quickly. Axel stood up and said to the room "Careful with approaching her. She is blind and mute, so let her come to you." Kota was still near us asked, "How is she blind and mute when five years ago she could see and talk?" with shock and worry. Stella turned to Kota and signed: The concert was when I lost my sight, and later I lost my voice not long after. It's good to hear your voices again after all this time. Can we get to the questions after my military team and I eat dinner? Kota froze just for a second before responding to her "Of course, 10" as Doc was standing on his feet during the whole exchange. Sean then got his hug as Stella went to him and hug him before releasing him to grab her plate. Nathan went to help her out with the food as the rest of the new people grabbed their plates to get their food. Stella's military team introduces themselves after they were sitting with their food stacked higher than anyone else plate. Stella then went to sit down when North grabbed her plate of food and set it down before asking "Can I hug you now?" Stella went and hug him hard enough to tell me that she still had strong emotions about them. I just hoped that I still had a chance with her. When Brandon looked back at me, I knew that for our sakes we needed to know if we had a shot to claim her heart and attention.

Sean POV

I was shocked that I even got a hug from her after she pinned me to the ground. After hearing what Axel said to everyone, my mind was wondering how long did the Toma team know about her. As I thought that, I realized that we never asked the Toma team to help us find her in the last five years. With that news, I felt my shoulders drop as my mind started to understand what I felt on her small beautiful body. As I was standing up, I realized that she was signing to Kota. I missed what Sang had signed to Kota, but looking at Kota's face told me that wasn't good news  as he said: "Of course, 10." Pookie got some training during these last five years. I felt her muscles but I also felt something else. My brain went to figure out what could have caused the bumpiness of her back. I flipped through different things that could create scars that would cover the majority of her back. I stooped that train of thought, knowing that I would likely get a chance to look at her back at some point that was hopefully soon. I noticed that Nathan help get her food after the military people were getting their food. Owen and I looked at each other after we both noticed that the military team was wanting to help her out as Nathan was. Once all of their plates were filled and they headed to their seats. North grabbed her plate and placed it at the only empty seat at the table now. Somehow, North was able to get a hug from her without hitting the floor as I did. They both let go of each other as he was letting her go, I noticed the emotions that were seen in North's eyes as he went to finish eating dinner. This most definitely was the most interesting dinner we had in five years. 



-Kalekona Dragon

-Pipi Bull

-Ahi Fire

-Kehili Thunder

-Holo Bridge

-Kaikiana Sister


-Schwester Sister

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