Getting There

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Stella POV 5 yrs later

Waking up was no easy feat now for me. I was blind and mute after everything that happened in the last five years. I was tossing and turning all night knowing that I was dreaming of the last time I saw the Blackbourne team, my guys, with my sight. I miss them, that my heart holds a huge hole that only belongs to them, even though I haven't heard a thing about how they holding up in a while. Sadly, I couldn't know what they look like, where they live, what they are doing. I only know thanks to Dr. Roberts that all of them are alive and healthy. I couldn't ask if they missed me due to my own thoughts about how they would react to me now knowing that my real name that my blood family gave me was Stella, instead of Sang. As much I would have liked to focus on them, I had to get up to help my brothers, Elias and Luka, with a mission that required another team to help out. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, all I knew for now that they were all dog team. There was the possibility of needing another all dog team to help out. Sighing, I sat up to hear my military team, the Shadows,  moving about prepping to leave to help out with this Academy mission. It wasn't often that the Academy asked my military team to help out or really any military favors. Shaking my head, I got up and started to get ready for the day. I already knew what I was wearing for the debriefing before heading home to my team. My Academy team was filled with two sets of triplets. The Kuznetsov brothers, Mikhail, Dmitri, and Artyom, were in love with my brothers. I was happy for them, but hearing them kiss sometimes reminded me of my boys. "Kapuahi, time to get moving. Commander wants back at the base." My teammate Giant called out to the safe house we stayed at to get some sleep before we jumped into another high-level case that required all of us to be awake and aware 24/7. "Makina, we all are moving, including Ghost. Commander is going to have to wait a couple more hours." I heard Echo said back. Silently laughing now, I finish packing all of the items that I had brought with me for the last six months. Zipping up my two duffel bags, I picked them up and heading to the living room to meet up with the others. I heard all the others gather in the room with me. Once all of us were sitting, I smell breakfast that was eggs and bacon on a plate before I heard a plate placed in front of me. I was handed my fork and ate pure delicious eggs and crispy bacon. After we all ate, the dishes were gathered, cleaned and put away as Apollo put all of our bags in the vehicle. Sadly soon, all eight of us were sitting in the black SUV that Lockheart drove so we could be debriefed as quickly as possible. I took a quick one hour nap before we got to the Fort Sumter.  Sparky gently shake me as I heard the everyday sounds of life on a military fort.  Ten minutes later, we all unloaded the vehicle to go to the boardroom to meet up with the commander. Heartwood held the door open so all of us could go into the room. Once we all were sat down, Commander said "Report."

Elias POV

Looking at the clock, I started to worry if our sister was going to be on time for the meeting that was going to happen in two hours. I was starting to prep the ingredients for dinner tonight to feed 28 people a wholesome balanced dinner that was going to go with a triple chocolate cake, our weakness for when we got to see Stella after she was gone on a military job that required her to be away from her blood family. Both Luka and I worried about her more than normal when she was away doing those jobs. I saw Luka slipping into the kitchen to help me out. "Stop doing that, she knows that we worry like crazy when she does that. She knows that she might not return home alive, but she still does time and time again. She is stronger than most people assume she is" Luka said to me after seeing my worried face. I smiled sadly, knowing everything he said to be true. "Let's start making the food to feed an army," I said to my twin brother as he shook his head at me. 

North POV

I was working on Sang Baby's Jeep as my mind started thinking about the last time I saw her five years ago. I missed her so much, so much that my family had a bull's eyes focus on finding out what happened to Baby so we could save her. My last memory of her being home with us started to play in my mind.

I unlocked the door into Nathan's house to check on my Baby before I had to leave to go on a mission. I hated that I couldn't go to the concert with her. Damn Academy timing for missions to come up at the worst time possible. I walked to Nathan's bedroom and opened the door softly. I saw Nathan and Kota who had their arms around Baby. I pulled out my phone and took the photo to get me through the night and tomorrow. 

Opening my phone, I found that very last picture that was taken by any of us of Sang Baby. I felt the vibrations of a phone call, my mind started to go the worst already fearing that another member is gone. "North, no one is gone, we just have to get going to meet up with the Phantom team," Kota said, already knowing what I was thinking as it was my first thought nowadays. "On my way" I responded and ended the phone call. I checked that everything was in perfect working condition as I closed up the garage to grab my bags to get going. I opened the front door, I felt my scowl deepen as I saw Luke try to place chocolate into his bag. "Luke put the chocolate away before I throw it away", I yelled as Luke jumped and quickly put the candy away in the kitchen. As he was doing that, Mr. Blackbourne walked into the room as Luke left to room. We connected eyes, his eyes were sad but determine as was mine. "You ready to go, Mr. Taylor Jr?" he asked me. "Yes, I'm ready to go once I grab my bag from my room" I responded turning my body to the stairs to get my bag. "We will found her, I promise you. Grab your bag, we leave in 5" he replied back as Luke entered the room empty-handed. As I headed up the stairs, I quickly swing by my room to grab my bag that was sitting on my bed. I went to grab my charger for my phone when I saw the necklace that I had gifted Baby but never got the chance to put it on her yet. Before I thought it through, the necklace and my charger were in my bag. Checking my room once again, I left to go downstairs to meet the Phantom team. 

Kota POV

I saw North walk down the stairs as I herded the rest of the family out to the vehicles to get driving for 3 hours to meet the Phantom team. We were going to e working with the Phantom team and the Toma team. That alone made me worry that the Academy called for the best teams in South Carolina to work on one mission. Everybody knew what vehicle they were getting into and once the bags were packed, the trip started. I was thinking of what questions to ask the Phantom team about their past missions, that I almost wanted to ask if they could help us find 10. Blackbourne noticed this and said "If we determine that they are able to help us out without letting others know, we will ask for their help to find our Ms. Sorenson" Blackbourne said to me then the silence took over in a comfortable comrade in Blackbourne's car. 

Axel POV

 My team and I were on our way to meet up with Elias and Luka hopefully, we get to see Stella. I looked over at Corey and said, "Call Luka and ask about Stella being there or not". Corey's eyes brighten as he pulled out his phone to dial Luka's number. Luka answers on the second ring "Guns" "Cupcake" "Hey Corey, how are you doing?" "Hey, Luka, good and you" "Yeah, both Elias and I are good but worried about Stella" "Quick question are we going to see Stella?" " Stella is coming home today, but we don't know when. She has been gone for the last six months. Hopefully, she hasn't lost a limb yet" Luka quietly joked over the phone. "Are the Blackbourne team on their way" "Yeah they are, ETA 90 minutes" "Good, they are going to need all the extra bed space you have to offer" " We know that. By the way, a military team is going to help us out" "Military helping out, that's not a good point to start out with." " We know, but damn they have the claim on the other half of these Korean fuckers business. So much that they are going to stop this bloody ring once and for all" "Alright, Luka ETA 1 hour" "Stay safe and don't say anything to the Blackbourne team yet" "You too and we won't" Corey ended the phone call and looked at me saying "What is going to happen afterward" "I don't know" I answered softly focusing in driving and absorbing the information we just got from Luka. 


Hawaiian Words

-Kapuahi: Firefly

-Malina: Moon

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