Chapter 68

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Niall's POV:

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

Leah and I were walking hand in hand back to the hotel from our date.

Which went amazing.

"Nialler, get back now. Liam and D are on their way back too," Zayn said in a really rushed serious voice.

"Wait, Zayn .. What's goin-"

I was cut off by a crash on the other line.

"Everything okay?" Leah said from beside me.

I shrugged and picked up our pace a bit.

"Niall you still there?"

"Yeah, Zayn. What's wrong? What was the crash?"

"Err... That was Harry... Uh.."

My eyes widened to the size of saucer plates.

"It was Haz? What?!"

Leah's eyes got big too and we started walking even faster. Almost at a running pace.

"Just.. Niall get here soon."

And then my phone hung up with a click.

"What's going on?" Leah asked me.

I sighed, "No clue. We just need to get there fast."

"Then lets to!!!" She shouted taking off, after releasing my hand.

"Oi! Leah!" I called after her sprinting.

We both turned the corner and came back on the street of the hotel. In front of us I saw Danielle and Liam walking back with Starbucks in hand, both looking a bit frazzled.

"Li!" I called pointing at him for Leah to see then running to him.

"Niall, you get a call too? What's going on?" Liam asked as we got by them.

"No clue," I panted, " But their was a loud crash and Zayn said it was Harry so.."

Liam's face got hard.

"Tim did something. I know it."

"What?!" Danielle exclaimed dropping her carrier full of frapachinos and lattès.

"Dani!" Liam exclaimed.

"If Tim did something... And Harry's pissed... Then Ali is probably..." She said drifting off.

Liam threw down his coffee carrier. My body wincing at the sudden loss of delicious Starbucks I could of had...

"We need to go," Liam said full of authority, quickly snapping away my hunger thoughts.

"And quick," Leah added.

All four of us ran straight up to the hotel and through the doors. Ignoring the shouts and calls for all of us, we ran straight to the lift and I started smacking the button.

"Come on..." I mumbled right before the doors dinged open. Few people walked out and all four of us ran in.

"I hope they don't do anything stupid..." Dani whispered as we made our way up.

"I hope Ali is okay..." Leah whispered as well.

I frowned and took her hand. I would love to reassure her everything is fine, but witnessing Ali's last break down... I wasn't even sure.

The doors opened revealing our floor and we couldn't get out any faster.

Within seconds we had busted open our suites door and revealed the hectic scene.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now