Chapter 56

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Ali’s POV:

“We HAVE to do that again!! Like, before we leave!!” Louis bounced as we headed towards the car.

“YES!!” I shouted along with Niall and Leah.

Harry chuckled to my side, “We should plan for it then. Could we Liam?”

Liam grinned at us and took Dani’s hand in his.

“Sure. I’ll make arrangements tomorrow. But right now, I’m knackered. I’m ready to go back to the room and sleep.”

“Me too,” I chuckled.

“Oh, shut up Ali! We alllllllll know that Hazza and you will not be sleeping any time soon. I bet you two still have energy in you for activities.” He winked and wiggled his eye brows causing me to blush.

“OH MY LORD! SHUT UP ABOUT THAT LOUIS!!!” Eleanor shouted slapping the back of his head.

“What! It’s true!” He whined giving his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

I blushed and looked away so I could hide it but came face to face with Harry.

“Ali,” he said lowly causing shivers to go through out my body.

“Yes?” I squeaked.

“I now sort of regret telling Louis…”

I smiled and let out a loud obnoxious laugh. I ended up hunched over and clutching my side.

I seriously didn’t expect him to say that.

“What’s funny?” Zayn asked me as everyone else stopped walking to see my commotion.

I grinned and looked up at Harry who had a huge grin.

“I don’t even think we told him. They just found out,” I said in between laughs.

He chuckled and nodded, “Well… you get my point.”

I nodded and stood back up straight calming down.

“Better now?” Dani teased me bumping my shoulder with hers.

I chuckled and bumped her back.

“Yeah, I am.”

She smiled at me and then went back to Liam’s side.

“Soooooooo, does anyone fancy a race to the car?” Louis asked giving us all a competitive smile.

“Oi! Let’s do it!!” Niall shouted.

Liam frowned and started daddy directioning, “Guys, I don’t think we should right now, I mean we wouldn’t want to make a scene and -”

He got cut off by a loud shouting from Harry besides me.


Us girls squealed as all five boys took off into a full sprint towards the car.

“HEY!!!!” El shouted.

“TRY TO KEEP UP, BABES!!” Louis shouted over his shoulder causing us to laugh.

“Last one to the car has to do the boys’ laundry!” I giggled before taking off towards them.

The all shouted and quickly followed suit.

I glanced over my shoulder with a full out grin watching as Dani and El quickly approached me with Leah slowly behind.

“HEY! I’m not a runner guys!!!!” Leah whined trying to keep up.

I grinned wider and ran faster soon catching up with Harry, who had slowed down a bit.

“Fancy seeing you here,” I teased running right beside him.

Harry smirked, “Just wanted to make sure m’lady was okay.”

I rolled my eyes, “Sure. Well obviously, Mr.Slowpoke, you can see I am fine.”

He rolled his eyes back at me.

“Mr.Slowpoke? Really? Hmm, say that again as you kiss my arse!!”

I gasped as Harry took off faster quickly getting out of my reach and coming on to Niall’s tail.

Liam, the runner he is, was in first. With Louis very close behind him shouting taunts.

Our black range rover came closer into view and I pushed myself that last final bit as finally we reached it.

Liam first of course.

“No fair! I call cheats!!!” Louis whined as the car was unlocked.

“Aw, suck it up,” Niall panted between deep breaths.

“Shut it, leprechaun.”

We all laughed just as the Dani and El ran up. With Leah slowly behind.

“And that’s Leah, ladies and gents! The lovely lady doing our laundry later!!!” Eleanor cheered.

We all busted out laughing while Leah just glared.

“Get in the car before I threaten to though all your clothes off the balcony,” she mumbled as we got in the car.

We chuckled and fell in carefully shutting the doors behind us.

“I still think Liam cheated,” Louis pouted as we started to drive off.

(a/n: Sorry it's short! But it's a school night and I started to write and time got away from me. SOOOO drama will be coming this weekend. So..BE READY!
As promised, the offical book cover for the SEQUAL of this book is on the side.


Drum roll please....

*bum bum bum bum whatever a drum sound makes bum bum bum bum*

The title is...

Turn Back Time

:) The picture on the side is stretched out wide a bit..


I love the cover and the whole story is already planned. Since SEPOYH is in the WattyAwards that does mean the book will come to an end before Halloween (October 31).

And I still have Help me, Harry Styles and Speak for me that will start back up November 1st. So I think I'll start the sequel in December.

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed and please vote vote vote :)
Vote if you're excited for LWWY! It's being played next week! EEEK!

Comment as well! :D

Love you!!!!

Much love!XXXX

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now