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"Ava Rae Metchons, I swear to god if you don't turn down your music right now I will bust down your door and beat you with your stereo speakers."

I jumped up from my bed and raced over to turn off my blaring stereo before I would soon have to face my brutal death.

My door creaked opened and I snapped over to see my mom standing in the doorway, holding my little sister, Emily, in her arms.

I sheepishly grinned and stood up straighter, but I somehow managed to knock off my cup of sweet tea that was sitting on my shelf. The liquid quickly spilt onto my extension cord and caused sparks to jump out from the socket.

Both my mom and sister stared at me with their wide, blue eyes that no doubt looked just like mine at the moment.

"Uhm, totally meant to do that," I tried to laugh off while walking over to them.

"Yeah, we both know that's bull. I'm going to ignore the fact that your klutz self just managed to do that, and instead ask why in the world you thought to have your music blaring this late at night? It's ten already! Your sister is trying to sleep," she shouted.

"But mama, I was in your room with you watching-"

"Emily, quiet."

My sister sighed but I still managed to pick up on what she was going to finish saying.

"Did you seriously come in here to yell at me to turn down my music because you couldn't hear your episode of Dance Moms? And then tried to use the excuse that Em was sleeping," I smirked at my mom.

"What? No! Ava, I'm offended."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dirty clothes hamper and reached in for a used shirt. The extension cord was still making some buzzing noise and I needed to get the tea up before the damn thing busted into flames.

"Your sister really was about to go to bed and you should be too. You have work in the morning."

I kneeled down and attempted to soak up the spilt drink as my mom continued to feed me lies about what she was doing. The only truth from that whole sentence was the fact that I did work in the morning.

"I'm aware. I have to be there at eight."

"And that means you need to leave here at seven thirty, start getting ready at seven, and be up at least by six thirty!"

I dropped the dripping wet shirt and stood up to face her. Her curly blonde hair was pulled into her usual bun and her oversized shirt had small drips, of no doubt, chocolate fudge ripple ice cream down the front. A common look for her that I see almost every night.

"I'm eighteen years old. I don't need my mother constantly nagging me on how to live," I sighed. "I'm pretty sure I can handle getting to work on time."

"Well then, look at you, Miss. I'm legally an adult," she scoffed while setting down Emily. The small blonde quickly ran over to my bed and jumped on. "I hate to break it to you, but just because you're eighteen doesn't mean I'm going to quit telling you what to do. I'll be doing that until I'm dead. Just like your Gram is doing to me."

"I heard that you know!"

All three of us looked down the hallway where my Gram was standing in her own bedroom doorway, glaring.

"Good. Now go finish watching your Dr. Phil reruns and go to bed."

Gram didn't say anything else but just slammed her door.

We were such a picture perfect family...


My mom reached up and rubbed her forehead before mimicking my earlier sigh. "Look, Ava. I know I can trust you with a lot, but Mr. Brighton asked me to make sure you were prepared for tomorrow because he can't risk anything going wrong."

"Mom, you can call him Tony and I know he didn't ask you, but just gave in to your worried thoughts while sucking face in your room last week."

"Ava! Not in front of your sister," she yelled at the same time Emily asked, "What's sucking faces?"

I chuckled a bit before my mom continued.

"Look, this discussion is not happening now. You need to go to bed, and I seriously need to know who Abby is giving the solo part to." Without another word, she turned on her heels and headed down the hallway towards her room.

"So you admit it! You were watching Dance Moms," I yelled after her.

"Go to bed, Ava Rae!"

Then, her door slammed shut.

"She was getting worked up over something that Maddie's mom said," Emily quietly told me as she crawled up my bed and under the sheets.

I bent back down and grabbed my make shift towel to put back in the hamper as Emily continued to inform me of what was going on outside of my previous music bubble.

"One of the moms yelled too and it caused mama to drop her spoon."

Ice cream drips. I was right.

"Did she force you in there," I asked while tossing the dirty thing in before turning off the lights.

My blinds were open so the moon lit up my room enough for me to see my way back to my door to shut it then over to my bed.

"She was brushing my hair when she turned it on. That was before Gram went to her room."

"So over an hour ago," I muttered while crawling in next to her.

Emily has her own room, right next door to mine actually. In fact, we even shared a conjoined bathroom. But for as long as she could walk, she's always wiggled her way next to me in my full sized bed or in my mom's.

She scooted closer to me as I got adjusted in my own spot.

"Why is Mr. Brighton so worried about tomorrow, Ava?"

"Some big model is coming tomorrow to take pictures for some campaign. I think it's for Peta."

"Like the bread?"

I laughed softly and rested my head on top of hers, "No, something else. You wouldn't understand."

Emily huffed, "You say that a lot."

"Well I'd probably say that to any five year old who asked questions like you."

I glanced over at my alarm clock that was on the side table by Emily. It was almost ten thirty, and for some reason I was now extremely tired. So that meant my sister probably was too.

"Let's go to sleep, okay? I'll wake you up when I do and we'll go downstairs and have some breakfast together," I told her.

"Oh, can we have dinosaur egg oatmeal?"

"Sure, kid. If you get to sleep fast."

I waited for Emily to say something else but she never did. I grinned, knowing she was trying to fake being asleep so I would think she had fell asleep fast.

Either way, she would have gotten the oatmeal in the morning. It was damn good stuff.

"Goodnight, Em," I whispered.

"Night, Ava," she whispered back.

And slowly, I felt myself drifting off.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now