Chapter 38

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Ali's POV:

"Erm..Okay," Liam mumbled handing me the phone.

I sighed and took it in hand and turned to walk back in the room.

"Ali.." Harry whimpered.

I let a few tears escape, since I was turned away from them. It pained me to hear how broken he sounded, but I needed to do this.

I shook my head no and stepped back in to my room shutting and locking the door behind me.

As soon as the door shut I heard Harry let out a painful cry and then the reassuring coo's from everyone.

I headed straight for the bathroom and shut that door aswell.

"Hello?" Tim called from the phone.

For a second I almost forgot he was already on the line.

I took a deep breath before putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, Tim."

I heard him chuckled. "Why, hello Ali."

You could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"And what gives me the pleasure to speaking with you?" He asked.

I walked over and sat down on the edge of the tub. I dared to look at my reflection in the mirror but decided not to knowing I most likely looked like a mess.

"I want to talk to you about Harry."

He chuckled once again.

"Why of course we can. Though, if I do remember correctly I told you to break up with him."

I pinched the bridge of my nose with my free hand.

His voice was as cold as his heart.  I don't see how he was one of the boys' managers.

"We did," I lied. "Before we flew back here."

"Oh really? Then how come you were holding his hand yesterday at the hospital? And WHY were you there?" He nagged.

I rolled my eyes and started fibing.

"It's a small town, with only one hospital. My mom is a doctor who was off duty, but they called her in when Harry arrived. It was just us two so she brought me along. He was happy to see a familiar face. Though, the pain in his wrist was so bad they had to give him some gas and he was loopy. Liam asked me to help him get to the car and back to the house. I agreed since I had a few things still there."

"Hmmmm, so you say. Well, Ali.. Let's say I believe you. That was yesterday. How come you're there today?"


"Harry's cast was itching a terrible lot, so Liam brought him back. I was already there with my mom, since she picked me up from their house last night but had to go back to work. I stayed there. Liam said Harry was unavailable because he was with the doctor."

"Hmmmmm," then he chuckled, "So the wimp was crying?"

I flinched at his harsh words. That, "wimp," happens to be 1 of 5 boys making him loads of money. How he was so cruel? I don't know.

"It itched so they had to clean it. It's not the loveliest feeling. Also they had to reallign his wrist to place a new cast."

I heard movement over the phone before he talked again.

"So let's say all this is true. That yes, Ali, I do believe you. Though you and I both know that is not why you called."

I sighed. He was right, it wasn't.

"Believe me or not.I don't mind. But yes, that's not why I called."

I had no idea where this courage was coming from. Most likely from the hate and rage I have towards this man.

"So enlighten me, Ali."

I stood up and started pacing the bathroom. Another nervous thing I tend to do.

"Liam and Harry were discussing an arrangement you had with Harry when I stopped in to say, "Hello." I happened to hear it and thought of something."

He chuckled again. Something this man did often. A cruel selfish chuckle.

"You are referring to the arrangement of making you look like another one of his toys and for him to shag another girl?"

Normally I would of been confused about the word shag, but after spending time in the UK with Harry and the boys, I've come to term with some of the words.


"So, Ali. Tell me how come you had a thought? Does it bother you?? Because I do believe you said you weren't dating."

I stopped by the door and just starred off into space while we spoke.

"We're not. And it can't bother me since he's not mine."

"He never was," he laughed.

I had to hide the hurt in my voice, "Correct. He never was. But I did just have an idea to benefit him and his so called date."

I noticed I had caught Tim's attention by the movement stopping on his end.

"So what do you propose, Ali?"

I sighed, "New Jersey has been, well rainy, lately. And London always is, really. So I've noticed he needed some sun. Some vitamin D if you must. So I was suggesting sending him to some place sunny."

"Say, California?" He said smugly.

I nodded though he couldn't see me. "California then. Have him go alone, to make it look as if he's meeting her there. Then maybe have her leave his hotel? Since paparazzi will be surrounded there. Have him tweet about it, even."

His line was quiet for a moment.

I took a deep breath hoping he was buying all this.

"Okay, Alison."

I flinched at my full name.

"I agree. It would be better and easier for publicity. He has a flight leaving tonight. Around 7:30. Have him look for the usual car and then more information about his date will come."

"Okay," I simply said, "That's all I guess."

"And make sure to tell him. Or Liam, since I'm busy and can't return a call."

I rolled my eyes. Bull crap.


I was all prepared to remove the phone from my ear and hang up but he spoke again.

"Oh, and Ali?"


He chuckled, "Give up. Keep in mind I always win."

I froze.

"I'm not fighting for anything. How could there be winners and losers?"

I awaited his reply. I had known exactly what he meant. He spoke about him winning this situation. Me never getting to be with Harry.

"I'll act like I believed that like this whole other story you fibbed. Goodbye, Alison."

And the conversation ended with a CLICK. 

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now