Chapter 35

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Ali's POV:

"So...His name is Harry..."

I nodded to my Gram.

"Care to share more?" She asked stepping closer.

"Erm..he's uh.."

I was cut off by my phone blaring 'What Makes You Beautiful,' Harry's solo of course. We changed it when we were at his mom's house.

"Hold that thought, Gram!" I said grabbing my phone out of my pocket and running to the room I had here, upstairs.

"Hello?" I asked answering thanking god this person called at this time.

"Erm... Ali... We broke your boyfriend.." A shy Louis said.

My eyes got wide.

"What? Lou...what happened...?"

I heard mumbling before Liam's voice said, "Here give me the phone... Ello Ali."

I sighed, "Liam. Explain right now before I call Dani.."

"OI! No need for that Ali! Erm... well you see what happened was..."

"Spit it out Liam!!!"

He sighed, "Louis and Harry played another game of Mario Kart and well Harry won and Lou was mad and they got at it...And then they went outside 'cause Harry was going to get you..and erm..Louis tackled him...and er... Harry's on his way to the hospital..."

"WHAT!!?!?!?" I shouted not caring if my mom or Gram heard.

"It's just his wrist," He mumbled.

"I don't care!! He's hurt!! Which hospital?!?!" I yelled, frantically rushing down stairs and grabbing my suitcase my mom packed.

"Jersey Bay National..." He mumbled.

I groaned. It was mom's hospital.

"I'll be there soon. Text me his room number and make sure I'm on the list!" I yelled.

"Yes, Ali... Sorry." He whimpered.

I sighed, "Not your fault, Li. I'll see you soon. Tell Louis to run."

He chuckled, "Will do, Ali."

We hung up and I turned to see a worried looking mom, in her scrubs if I might add, and my gram.

"What's wrong, Ali? We heard you scream," my mom asked.

I looked down, "Erm..Harry is in the hospital..."

My gram smirked. "So your boyfriend is?"

My mom looked at her quizzically while I was shocked.

"Boyfriend?" My mom asked patting her left foot.

"I never said we were dating, Gram.." I groaned. I didn't want them knowing about what was going on.

"Alison Metchons what's going on?" My mom prided.

I groaned and checked the time. I really needed to get to Haz...

"Mom, are you going to work?" I asked noting her scrubs.

She nodded, "Yes. I got called, but that's nothing to be discussing about you tell me what's going on and-"

"Mom, I need to hitch a ride with you there," I said taking her keys from her hand and walking out side.

"Ali! Will you explain who this Harry is?! And why is he in the hospital??"

I groaned as she followed me out as I unlocked the car and got in the passenger side throwing my suitcase in the back.

Tidal Waves. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION.) Formerly known as SEPOYH. Where stories live. Discover now