Chapter 43

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Harry's POV:

I woke up to a phone next to me ringing. It wasn't my ringtone so I picked up the hotel room's phone.

"Ello?" I croaked through my raspy morning voice.

"This is your wake up call, Mr.Styles," a voice said.

I groaned knowing it was Paul who set this up. 

"Thanks," I mumbled hanging up the phone.

I sighed and swung out of bed, pulling on my trousers.

Still half asleep, I walked out of my room with intensions of going to kick Marie out of the room, but only to find her sitting on the couch.

"Leave, it's morning."

She looked up and smirked. 

"I'm not leaving."

I let out a fake laugh and nodded. 

"Yes, you are. That was the plan, now leave."

She stood up and walked over to the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"That WAS the plan before it was decided earlier by Tim that since I'm your long time girlfriend that I'll be staying with you. Oh, and you're staying for an extra three days."

My jaw dropped and I clenched my fists.

"And when did you decide this?" I growled.

She smirked again and took her old seat on the couch.

"When I called Tim a few hours ago and told him. Now be a good boyfriend and go find me something to eat."

"I'm NOT your actual boyfriend," I gritted through my teeth.

She chuckled, "The whole world thinks so."

Annoyed with her I walked back into my room and jumped on the bed reaching for my phone.

I knew she wouldn't reply but I decided to text Ali.

"Being forced to stay and extra 3 days. Remember not to believe anything. Love you. Harry .X "


Ali's POV:

I sighed and locked my phone after reading his text message. At least we would be in Los Angeles too, but he just didn't know.

"Harry texted you?"

My head snapped up and I looked in the mirror in front of me and met Louis's gaze.

"Yeah.. He's staying an extra three days."

Lou nodded.  

"Paul called me."

I shrugged and looked back at my appearance. I blew out a deep breath and I fixed my bangs.

"Does it look okay?" I asked Louis referring to my newly dyed hair.

It used to be a light brown and now it was dark chocolate brown almost black. And Zayn, who's very good at styling hair, even bought a perm and applied it do now my old wavy hair now had huge permeant curls. Eleanor promised in Los Angeles she would take me some where with Zayn and find me a good hair straightener for whenever I wanted straight hair.

"It looks great, Ali!" Louis smiled.

I nodded and turned around. "Do you think... He'll.."

"Harry would love you even if you were bald."

I'd ended up telling every one what happened when he called. So they knew he said, "I love you." Louis and El saw it coming and so did Leah.

"Okay... Are we about to leave?"

"Yup! Let's go!" El squealed popping up and grabbing Louis and mines hands.

We got to the living room where all of our suitcases were and everyone else was already in there.

"Ready to go?" Liam asked.

We all nodded and grabbed our stuff.

"Ali, your mom is still going to take care of the cats?" Lou asked sliding into the car.

"Yeah, she has a key."

He smiled and took the car out of park and we started to drive away.

"Time to go to Los Angeles," I mumbled as the house fell out of view.


NewsCast.... :

"So Sharon tell me what you think about fellow brit Harry Styles and his girlfriend Marie palms?"

Sharon turned in her seat and faced the other women.

"Well girls," she started with her thick British accent. She flipped her short red bangs before continuing. 

"If you ask me he seemed a bit surprised when she kissed him, don't you?"

The other nodded and murmured in agreement.

"Plus in other interviews he always says he likes a down to earth natural beauty girl."

Now Julie spoke up, 

"You know I thought about that too. He's actually said that multiple times and now just look at Marie. She's anything but!"

"More like a Barbie," Sheryl laughed.

The others joined and cracked a few more jokes.

"I would be afraid to move around her! One of her breasts might pop!"

The audience laughed.

"I was waiting for her to shout, Just kidding! He's not my boyfriend! Ken is and he's over there waiting in the covert!"

By now the audience had full out lost it and we're now laughing a ton.

"Okay girls, let's change the topic. But still on Harry," Sharon said. "What about that mystery girl!" She exclaimed slapping her hand down on the table.

"I liked her! She looks very nice and more what I though was his type!" Julie said.

"She did! And when that Marie called her nasty... I was gobsmacked!"

The others agreed.

"I just hope soon he learns to dump that doll and go after that other girl!"

You heard the audience shout in agreement before the show faded to a commercial...

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