Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Hjalte Stream did not like the arrival of Nancy’s ‘father’.  He needed her vulnerable.  Ready to give in.  Still, even he could not keep an eye on her every minute of the day.  Well, he mused he would have plenty of time before the Christmas break.  The time when he had heard her say that she could not wait to get home to her mother.  That brat Luke was going with her too.  

After writing notes on the psychology of Fagin on a blackboard behind him he opened the door to let the students in. Oscar was still grieving and was given compassionate leave.  The others of the crowd entered though.  Luke holding Nancy’s hand.  Nancy looking lovely in her floaty floral top and jeans.  Their fingers so entwined … it made him feel ill looking at it.  

But oh … what was this? He gloated over Rajit’s very distasteful sneer.  Hjalte allowed himself to peer into the young man’s mind and loved what he read.  Well, well, aren’t you the little heartbreaker Nancy McShane.  Susan and Rajit sat behind Luke and Nancy.  

Once everyone was seated in the lecture hall Hjalte commanded all to pay attention.  All the other professors were somewhat jealous over the hold he had over the students.  The ability to keep order and keep them interested.  Alice’s disappearance still had the halls of Oxford buzzing.

“Right, I shall mention the elephant in the room,” he sighed.  “I am sure all of you are still worried for our dear Miss Weston.  Do not fear, I am sure she is still alive.  I have been told to remind you that counselling is offered and the police are doing the best they can.”

Someone raised their hand.  A gawky looking girl, glasses, buck teeth and lank hair.  

“Sir, is it true you are the last person to see her alive?”

Hjalte pinched the bridge of his nose holding in his emotions.  

“Yes,” he replied, “she left my office alive and well.  Since then I have no idea.”

Luke felt Nancy’s fingernails dig deeply into his palm.  Showing no pain he smiled to reassure her.  Yes, there was something deeply disturbing about this man.  His mother would probably have asked Mr Smith.  He missed that supercomputer, unfortunately when she died he was handed over to UNIT.  Now he had to learn from other sources. Fortunately for him that other source included Nancy.  

“Sir,” a rather posh boy asked, “do you know who would do such a thing?”

“I have absolutely no idea.  There are all sorts of villains out there.  Alice was a lively, beautiful young girl.  There are many lecherous thugs that would take advantage of that …”

Suddenly many voices and hands raised all wishing to exorcise their own darkest fears from their minds.  “ENOUGH!” Hjalte screamed in amongst all the student’s cries of “Sir, but Sir!”  Only Luke and Nancy were keeping quiet.

“Can you all follow the rather excellent examples of Miss McShane and Mr Smith.  She was their best friend.  They are calm and waiting for the lesson to begin.”

Nancy and Luke shuffled in their seats awkwardly feeling quite embarrassed as about twenty pairs of eyes burned into their backs.

“Now,” he sighed.  “Order has been restored.  Fagin - what do we know about him?  He led children to crime.  Clearly, he had no remorse for what he did, and he even instigated the death of Nancy.”  Nancy’s throat went dry.  Somehow, she felt that she was being somewhat targeted.  “I would like to ask Miss McShane’s views on Fagin.”

Luke glowered at Professor Stream.  Susan leant over to rub her shoulder. Nancy stood up and peered round her class.

“Fagin,” she stammered, “Fagin was pure evil.  Deceptive.  Bullying.  You could say he managed to control minds.  Certainly not the lovable rogue portrayed in the musical.  Fagin was written as a warning to all criminals that crime does not pay … as shown by his end.  Where there was no one to mourn him.  All his gang broke apart.  He died alone … And … well …” she began to falter.  Why was her head hurting? Suddenly she felt sick and she had to run out of the Lecture room.  

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