My eyes gazed up at the moon as I requested Onyxia to mask my scent. A tear fell from my eyes as I thought about my mother, my father, the people who I once thought of as my pack that I now know were only a factor in my imagination.

"Moon goddess, miss, ma'am, I think you've mistaken. I cant do this, and I most certainly don't think I'm the right person for you to trust with everything you've built. I'm not that kind of girl, I'm not a Luna. Everyone knows this, and my mother, she should've known this too," I ignored the crack in my voice at the end, "your queen should be someone more like you. Someone royal, and strong who knows the answers to every question—I can't even answer to who I truly am."

I dropped my eyes down to the moth that landed on the ground right in front of me, collecting the moonlight that grazed upon its wings.

"I promise, sir, the smell came from somewhere over here," I heard a voice say. I sucked in my breath, stopping all sounds that my body could make except for my heartbeat that weak boundhunters couldn't possibly make out.

"What did I tell you about this? The next time you stop me from taking care of business, you better make sure you're at least right!" A voice growled out. I could hear the whimpering of the first voice. Quietly, I took a small peak around the tree to see a very tall muscular man glaring angrily at a smaller man.

They reeked of boundhunter which only caused the hairs on the nape of my neck to rise. I watched as the taller man gripped the neck of the smaller one, squeezing until his knuckles turned white. The smaller boundhunter began clawing at his hands, gasping for any type of air.

All too suddenly, the man snapped his neck leaving him to fall to the ground in a sudden death. Closing my eyes, I turned back around, praying to the goddess that Onyxia still hid my scent. The sound of his footsteps crunching against the ground littered my ears as he walked away.

When I felt the coast was clear, I finally let out the air I've been holding in. "Thank you, Onyxia," I told her; feeling especially appreciative for helping the avoidance of being captured.

I got up from the tree and decided to stupidly follow the man from a distance. Thanks to my great assumption of things, I could tell he was some sort of higher authority with boundhunters. No one exactly knows where the boundhunter hideout was located except for the future me.

It actually wasn't very far from where the whole incident that led to a dead small dude. I'm honestly a little hurt at the fact that Atlas would lead me here knowing that I hate the boundhunters with every fiber in my body.

I stopped the second I could see the ending of trees. There was a fire going on in front of a huge worn out house. As he walked into the house, other boundhunters would bow as his anger trailed behind him.

It smelled like a dump site. Everything stunk and it only made it easier to hold my breath to keep from making too much noise. I looked around the house, searching for clues of where the Luna's might be.

That was when I saw one. The Luna Bound I had saved previously. Her red hair looking as heavenly as ever, she had her eyes down with chains attached to her wrists and ankles. A group of men were dragging her towards what looked to be a door that led underground—it could be a basement, or a cellar.

"I see that you've unlocked the deepest part of your mind, Xena," that familar goddess-like voice had spoken out to me in my head.

"How do I help you? I want to help. Please tell me they haven't done anything to you. Do you know how many other Luna bounds there are here?" I asked. She let out of a puff of sad air as they continued to drag her body towards the poorly hidden set of doors.

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