¢hapter thirteen

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"I am so dearly sorry Lya, it's totally okay if you just wanna go because I will let you" Finn said as he kneeled In front of her cupping her cheeks, forcing her to look at him.

"Finn it's fine honestly" She stared just that intensely back into his eyes. " I don't care if you're a gangster or a dumbass. And in the end you're both. But still I don't give a fuck because I like you. I liked you since I figured out that you're a clumsy cunt with the kindest heart I've ever seen. And I'll continue liking you until you kick me out" Finn kissed her as he was done listening to her words. She spoke out what he hadn't imagined to hear. She told him that she loved him in her very special way.

"Lyana Vaulders do you want to marry me?" Finn said suddenly making Lyana's guts freeze. She just stared at him as if he was a greek stature doing some weird shit for the rest of the eternity. "I'm -sorry" He stuttered as he backed up awkwardly. His mind started running circles. Soon he would hyperventilating. Then maybe the earth would swallow him soon.

"Sure I guess" Was everything she said as she recovered from her paralysis caused from the question.

"Yes?" He asked revealed and still shocked not ready to believe her just yet.

"I mean, you and Isaiah and Arthur and Jeremiah and Chase are the only family I have and I think it's a fucking great family" She said as she kissed him again. "Let's do it" Came suddenly out of her pretty mouth as she glared at him again.

"Right now?" He raised his eyebrows in shook. It was something to be engaged and something to actually stand in front of an altar.

"Wait I'll get something. We can fetch Jeremiah on the way" She took her coat that wasn't actually hers and trailed to the door excited. "Come on before I change my mind"

"I love you Lyana Vaulders you stupid little blonde" Finn brought out as he took his hat and fixed his gun in his belt making his wife to be glare. "Just in case" He said softly. "I'll get my good suit" Finn said as he made his way into a different room on the corridor.

Lyana sprinted down the stairs to Isaiah. Like stupid she stared at him with a weird smile.

"Are you okay? Did Finn give you snow?" He asked as he stood up to stop her from walking around like she had been bitten by a rattlesnake.

"Where's your dad?" Finn suddenly already called from up the stairs as he just started buttoning the new shirt. Lyana finished it and added the tie either as her small hands traced over his chest as she looked at him again.

"Preaching. What the fuck is going on?" Isaiah was more than just slightly concerned. He was actually highly concerned about their probably stupid idea.

"We're going to get married. Right now. So give me the keys to your house and come with us" Lyana commanded as Finn already trailed towards the door.

"Are you two mad?" Isaiah called as he took his coat to get after them to see what would really happen.

Lyana busted into Isaiah's home finding Chase immediately at the kitchen table.

"Get dressed Chase we're going to the church" She yelled as she ran up the stairs soundly. Isaiah was afraid that she would break something.

Lyana returned soon in a breathtaking dress. White with wide arms that made her look like a fairy. The lace on the top commented her waist and the skirt looked just perfect.

"You didn't forgot about it?" Chase asked as he got dressed standing there with the other two.

"For sure ,I wouldn't. I'm just surprised that it still suits me" She said as she sprinted down the stairs to fetch the flowers from the kitchen. It was a bunch of simple cornflowers but those were her absolute favorites.,

"What's that dress?" Finn asked as he connected his arms with her bride's. He couldn't even put in words how beautiful, breathtaking, heavenly she looked.

"It's the dress I wore on my dads funeral. He wanted everyone to wear white strictly. He left me a lot of money for that dress" She explained as her mind clouded with memories. But she was over it. She was over her loss because everything coming now could only be better.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" Finn said as he looked at her lovesick. He was absolutely lovesick because of her. She could hurt him the most in this world. "My fucking beautiful wife"

Lyana was suddenly filled with fear. She knew how stupid that idea actually was. She was just a teenager absolutely in love with a future gangster. And their kids would be gangster at some point. Chase would may as well become a gangster at some point. All of the people she loved cared about could die. They could go so easily.

But as they stepped into the small church her fear was blown away just like some smoke. She couldn't back up now. If this idea was dumb it was to late now.

Lyana swallowed all her second thoughts as she smiled towards Jeremiah as he looked at her confused as fuck.

"Can you marry us?" Finn asked as he smiled almost nervously at Jeremiah. What Lyana didn't knew was that he was just as concerned as she was. Just so scared, so very scared.

"Kids" Jeremiah warned them as he looked at them. He for sure also clarified it as a stupid idea. Ya it was for sure but maybe that was everything they both needed. " I mean okay if you're so very sure"

As they kissed all the pressure fell off of them. From now on it was their life not Lyana's and Finn's life. It was now complete. Perfect and pure was their young love. And nothing could break it. No one ever could. Expect they'll would tear it down theirself.

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