¢hapter twelve

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Her small feet trailed through the streets as she hid her face under one of Linda's big, pink hat. It suited the thin coat she was wearing. She cringed at how bright it was at first but then she found herself quite liking it. Her small finger were fidgeting nervously as she knocked on the door of the house that Arthur had told her. Her face wasn't visible as Isaiah opened the door for her.

"You're new aye? Where's Moira ?" He just asked even if he didn't expect an answer from Lyana luckily. He just walked her up a staircase to an office letting her inside.

"Where's Mary love? Not that it's bad" Finn just said as he hurried to close the door behind her. As he sat behind his desk he fully expected her to strip. Instead she just took off her hat revealing her identity to him making him gasp and stand up fast. "Lyana? Where the fuck have you been? I- I-"

"Don't fucking talk" She said as her hands connected with his jawline pulling his face towards hers. Tears escaped her dark brown eyes. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders as he pulled her towards himself so tightly she was close to suffocating but she didn't care. She was safe in the comfort of her own arms.

"Oh Lya, I missed you so fucking much" He whispered in her soft hair as he pushed her warm body towards his own as if he was afraid she'd slip away again.

"I was stupid and selfish" She admitted as they broke away
admiring each other.

In that really moment a woman stepped into the house. The real prostete that Finn had called when the loneliness had threatened to swallow him.

"Who are you?" Isaiah asked her as he took the telephone down for short.

"Replacement for Mary. Why?" She asked casual as she worried that someone was off destroying her  plan.

"Who's up there then?" Isaiah asked as he smelled trouble coming their way. Goddamit this was a Tuesday.

"Called for help" She just winked to him as she mounted the stairs making Isaiah return to his call signing while one ear wondered upstairs.

"Lya where have you been? You look nice considering that Isaiah told me that you were staying on the streets. Why haven't you contacted me?" He ranted as he looked at her his hands tracing through her beautiful, golden hair.

"I was on the streets yes. But Arthur coincidentally found me and helped me" She got quiet and looked to the floor in embarrassment before her dark eyes found his emerald ones again. "I never wanted to bother anyone that's why I stayed away. I was ashamed" Finn suddenly hugged her again, just as tight at before.

"Lya I love you more than almost everything in this fucking world" He confessed as he looked at her again as the door suddenly opened. The two broke apart looking at the woman confused.

"Well new plan I guess" She said to herself stepping forward in matter of seconds pointing a gun to Lyana's head suddenly making gasp. Finn immediately pulled out his own gun pointing it towards the woman. His hand was shaking but he just hoped the strange woman woman wouldn't notice. "Move another inch and you can scrap the brain of your little girlfriend's brains from the walls" Lyana couldn't really make out a real threat. It was probably a toxic trait. Her eyes were widened and she was shaking but her mind was totally calm. She wouldn't bother to move and risk ruination of her hair again.

Finn raised his arms slowly letting his gun slide to the floor. He was more scared than Lyana. Not only because of the danger but also because Finn feared that she wouldn't like him after figuring out how dangerous his life really was.

"Give me the phone" The woman commanded not letting go of the girl just tightening her grip. "Do anything and she's dead" She once again assured the Shelby as he slowly moved the phone towards the woman.

"What the fuck is going on?" Finn gasped into the telephone. "There's someone pointing a gun into Lya's fucking face right now" He was surprised at how steady his voice sounded.

"The guns are pointed, now we're all concentrating" The man said on the other end of the telephone someone said as Lyana shifted again sweating badly now."The moment is now pure" Arthur pointed his gun towards the man ready to shoot.

"Purity is not necessary.
This place is not necessary" Tommy spoke spookily calm as always.

"Finn it's fine" Lyana tried to say but her voice broke as the woman pushed her away still the gun pointing to her face. "This makeup isn't mine but it's surely expensive" She spat towards the woman rendering Finn speechless.

"Anything happens to her Chang, you die" Arthur said as he made the gun klick so he was ready to shoot the chinese man on the other end of the line.

"You're doing really good" Finn assured her as the woman suddenly pushed her away to shoot in the ceiling. A scream escaped Lyana as she fell to the floor her arms covering her head like she was in war, the stupid hat would've probably protected her.

"Shut up and stay where you are" The woman commanded as Finn moved towards Lyana.

The woman left the two soon after  making Finn hug Lyana once again as tight as possible. "Fucking hell" He whispered into her ear as he held. "I never wanted to put you into danger"

"I'm fine" She whispered her small body still shaking. Finn for sure assumed that it was a lie. "Really. My lipstain might be smudged but I'm physically fine"

"No I'll cut that bitch"He said as he took his gun storming out of the office. His feet trailed over the dirt roads to the Garrison before he stormed in gun crocked. Arthur and Tommy stopped him immediately. Lyana sat in the office stunned at what just happened and how dramatic Finn could be.

Finn made his way back to the office where Lyana waited. She looked at him amazed as he eventually returned. Since the blonde had nothing else to do after all. But she also stayed to be sure that he knew that she was never scared. That she would stay with him no matter what anyone would do. She feared nothing but losing him in that moment and at all the time when the cold metal of the gun had touched the soft skin of hers. But everything she worried about was losing her life without having truly lived;  there were still so many things she wanted to do. She never tasted Christmas cookies. She never swam in the cut. She never had a race with a horse. She never went to school. And never ever she fell in love and  cared for someone more than for Chase or herself. But wait we can scratch that one; Lyana was in love with Finn.

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