P2- Introductions

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No ones POV

Tom was riding his skateboard to school since he was still working on his motor bike, Matt had mentioned that he went to the party last night at his girlfriends house where she made fun of him and broke his heart, meaning Tom was furious you could even tell through his sunglasses.

No one hurts his friend like that and gets away with it, not even the popular kids. Unfortunately this was all Tom was known for otherwise he was just a shadow.

He put his skateboard away and walked to the entrance students where looking at Tom they knew what was coming and hoped it wouldn't be as bad as last time, as Tom made his way down the hallway he saw Matt holding his arm and head down as it looked like Bethany (no offense if your name is Bethany) was making more fun of him, Tom quietly made his way to her Matt must have noticed since his head went down more.

Tom didnt care if Tord and Edd were down the hall plus they didnt know how mad Tom got when Matt was treated this way, with one sudden force Bethany was pushed away and slammed into the lockers.

She gasped and looked at Tom wide eyes showing how much fear she had, she heard the rumours about Tom but didnt believe them, as he was going in for a punch he was stopped by Matt holding his arm, "Tom, it's okay let's just go to class".

Tom sighed giving in and walking with Matt while Edd helped up Bethany and Tord glared at the back of his head, Matt knew most if not all Tom's secrets like what his behind his glasses, what had happened to him, what he is and what can happen if he isn't careful.

(I'll try get more and more written each time)

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