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Emilee, 19, Harpy

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Emilee, 19, Harpy.

Emilee is a Harpy which is a very rare species to find. They usually don't live along side humans since they stand out so much. Unfortunately they stand out in the forest too.

The species used to be plentiful until they were considered big game. With no where to hide Harpys were a moderatly easy target for hunters. The numbers quickly dwindled as the species began to fade.

Emilee doesn't remember her parents. She doesn't remember a lot. Her first memory is from about five years ago. She remembers struggling to survive alone at such a young age, scavenging for any food she could and even going into human towns for it.

Then she remembered a human approaching her. A human with a gun. Emilee tried to flee but didn't get far until she was shot. The bullet missed her organs but hit her in the wing so she fell. The hunter never tried to find her. People bought harpy wings for high prices. He damaged one and she wouldn't be worth the effort anymore.

Someone else had found her though. As Emilee lay on the forest floor in pain from the fall, unable to get up. This human was much kinder. They gently picked up Emilee and explained they had a place for hybrids like her. A place for wounded animals who could no longer survive free to live in and hide.

Emilee had agreed to go, because she wanted to live. That's where she is still though that dream of living may not come true.

Emilee has been falling Ill. She'll be fine one day then the next a random organ will fail or she'll be unable to feel a limb. No one can figure out what's wrong with her. All they know is that Emilee will die.

Emilee is very sweet and soft spoken. She's happy and makes the best out of her limited days left. You really can't make her angry, she'll just get sad. She does protect her loved ones but she's not strong enough to truly do any good in a fight. She still can't fly due to her broken wing.

Scenario 1: You had been the one to save Emilee all those years ago.  You still spend lots of time with her as she trusts you. You do all you can to make her feel like she's still free, while being protected by the sanctuary.

You've been trying to make her happy lately as you had heard what her fate was. You could see the difference in her. She was loosing weight and just looked sickly over all. She hadn't let the sickness effect her though, until recently that is...

She had been acting strange lately so you decided to take her out of the enclosure to a park not far away. She loved going for walks there when you could spare the time to bring her.

Even at the park she was oddly quiet, looking away and not paying any attention to what's around her.

"Y/N, do you have a family?" She asked randomly. She'd never asked you any personal questions like that before.
What do you say?

Scenario 2: You didn't know that Emilee had agreed to go to this sanctuary willingly. You believed she'd been kidnapped from the forest, her home, and forced to stay there.

You'd somehow heard the news that she was sick and formed a plan. You'd pretend to be a vet who can help her and break her out!

The day came to out your plan in action. It was too easy. You got in and the harpy was walked to you in the medical room before the employee left you two alone.

"You're not Dr. Bre." She didn't reconize you. What do you do?

Or make one up!

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