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Xael (I'm going to warn you now, auto correct likes to change Xael into Carl), immortal though usually chooses to look at a similar age as seen above

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Xael (I'm going to warn you now, auto correct likes to change Xael into Carl), immortal though usually chooses to look at a similar age as seen above.

Xael is a nightmare, a species created by the god of darkness to cause bad dreams, night terrors, and hallucinations in humans. Nightmares then feed off the fear and pain they cause to grow stronger and take on more prey. Nightmares tend to choose victims and stay with them until death or until the victim is no longer easily frightened.

Nightmares have no physical body, they're hardly even a spirit a better description would be a living bit of dark magic. Still, they make themselves physical forms (as seen above) and can use magic to change their appearance.

Nightmares don't have a personality besides power hunger. Admittedly xael can be more sarcastic or sadistic to her prey but does not feel joy or empathy, just dark emotions. They say nightmares can learn to feel emotions if you can trap them in their human forms.

Nightmares, xael in particular, are the strongest magic wielding creatures alive but there is one way to best them...
If you have a nightmare haunting you, you must call it's name three times (you will learn it's name if you listen as it appears in every dream). The nightmare will appear and you must challenge it to a battle of your mind. It will then enter your mind and the battle will begin. This is your head, anything that you want to happen will happen but nightmares have a powerful magic. If you can make the nightmare surrender or force it out of your head then the nightmare becomes yours. Their life will be yours (meaning you will live forever or until someone else manages to enslave the nightmare) and they will be forced to do whatever you say or else be put in extreme pain. They will no longer feed on your fear either though if you don't let them hunt they will get weak and return to their pure magic state.

Xael has never been beaten, never been enslaved.

Scenario 1: You are being haunted by Xael, ever since you were young she's been in your nightmares and more. You have finally learned her name and begin the ritual to summon her. It takes a moment before Xael appears before you. She looked you over and laughed, showing off her sharp teeth, "you wish to challenge me?" What do you do?

Scenario 2: You are a supernatural hunter and have heard of a nightmare haunting a town, or perhaps it is many working together. These beasts are supposedly unbeatable unless it is you they are haunting. Still you go to the town. In the day you can see the town is tense and jumpy, everyone fears the next person. You find an Inn for the night and fall asleep, hoping a nightmare would choose you so you could learn the name. One does appear but not in a nightmare. You're awoken by the sound of hooves on the floor and open your eyes to see xael standing above you, she does not look happy. What do you do?

Scenario 3: You work in a labratory that studies supernatual creatures. Someone had managed to trick Xael, they summoned her in a room that had been enchanted by a witch. The room was made so that no magical creature inside could escape, you set the witch free in return for her help. Naturally you were the one set in charge of Xael. You and your team are supposed to learn about her in any means you desire (speaking to her, tests, anything you come up with). You walk to her cage and hear an in human screeching sound that hurts your eyes then a banging on the door. Xael couldn't get out. It stops after a moment and she glares at you from the crack in the door used to give her food. What are you going to do with her?

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