Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"On your own?! You can barely handle your powers let alone this!" I nod still looking at the floor, he was right as he normally was. I had told him about being a dreamwalker and the powers from being a brine, but not that I was a brine. "Sorry Seto, but I thought I could handle it this time." "Silver please tell me when you visit the forest, so I can help you." he said, I felt him watching me. I didn't meet his gaze, I was annoyed by him, why should I go to him? I can look after myself.

"How can you help me?" I ask. "You aren't in the forest with me nor are you next to me while I sleep creating a spell to help." Seto looked surprised at my outburst, I stand and glare at him. "Come find me once you have something that can help." I say and storm out, pissed. I run up the steps and into the library, and through there I walked past the painting of a pig and through another painting, this one was of gold.  I lifted it away from the wall and slipped into the gap behind it, the gap was filled with my favourite books and the floor was covered with pillows, the bookshelves had been carved in the shape of trees and animals. I wiped away an angry tear and grabbed one of my favourite books, Artemis Fowl. The room was completely dark, I could see fine because of my eyes. I took out my contacts and put them into their container and sat on some of the pillows that were pilled into a mountain of sorts.

I snuggled down to have a good read, but before I could I heard a crash from below. I think I forgot to mention that my hidden reading nook was behind a painting on the upstairs part of the library, and only Ty knows it's here, because he made it for me. As I looked towards the painting that hid the room, it swung violently making another crashing noise, but it wasn't what made the noise in the first place. It wasn't as loud or as close, it had sounded like it had come from deep below the castle deep down where the boys wouldn't let me go. I heard shouting from outside the library and listened as it grew fainter and fainter till I couldn't hear them at all.

I went back to my book, but kept an ear out for more crashing noises from below where I was.

A few hours later, I was so absorbed in my book I didn't hear the painting open and a figure step into the room. "Silver?" I heard him say, I looked up and saw Ty. His hands outstretched trying not to bump into anything, he couldn't see a thing other than my eyes because the painting was closed. "Yeah Ty?" I said wondering why he was here. "You know the legend about Herobrine?" I nod then realise he couldn't see and create a glowing ball of light, Seto had been teaching me essentials for adventuring. "Yeah I do," I say wondering what was going on.
"He's real, and he wants you." Ty said sitting down on a pillow. My eyes widened I had thought I was the only brine and Herobrine was dead, but it seems I was wrong on both accounts. Herobrine is alive, and I''m not the only brine. "I knew he was real, but I didn't know he was alive! I thought he was dead, and I was the only brine. Seems I was wrong, and why does he want me?!" I say, trying not to be terrified.

I had found a book in the library, hidden behind encyclopidias on brines. It listed the names of the brines, how to become a brine, brine powers and abilities, it didn't say Herobrine was alive or dead; only that he was the first brine and discovered his powers and wrote them down in this book. I had written my name down in the book below a brine named 'Ronald Tairon', the book said you add brine to your first name. My name should be Silverbrine but I don't want to change it.

"He didn't say, but he wants you now. He said that if you didn't come out he would force you. He didn't say that you were a brine though, so your sceret is safe." I nod, getting up and bookmarking my place I placed the book down and followed Ty out of my warm and comfy nook to what I supposed was my doom.

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