Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

 As Deadlox and I walk towards the tower I get a funny feeling in my gut, it's not a good feeling, while him and I walk towards the tower. I ignore it and walk through the doorway into the tower, as we walked in there was a staircase that went up or down "Which way?" I look at him "Down, no way is Seto up there" he gestures to the ceiling I nod and follow him into the darkness.

Deadlox walks down the steps looking back every minute or so to check I was still following. After around 200 steps (I was counting) we ending up in what could be called the 'basement' it was a largish room with 3 entry/exit ways, a medium sized painting of a stone castle and a oak side table in the middle of the room, I look at Deadlox. "Which way Deadlox?" I ask, he pauses looking at the entryways. "This way." Deadlox answers while walking towards the painting and pulls it away from the wall revealing a 2 block tall hole.

A/N Okay they are in minecraft and meters a measured in blocks you can craft normally, there are items like PCs and stuff. In my mind my Minecraftia is a mix of normal and block shapes, so when you break a block it turns into a item etc, is that cleared up? Okay? Good now on with the story

"In there?" I look at the hole strangely. "Yep in there." Deadlox places the painting on the floor and climbs through and I hear him yell as he drops into the darkness, I approached the hole and peered in, it looked like a slide of sorts. I carefully step up onto the edge and stepped in yelling as I slid to Notch knows where.

The Brine CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora