Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Oh I'm sorry sir I wasn't looking where I was going" I said to him "Nah its fine" he grins at me "are you new to Budder City the capitol of the Budder Kingdom" "yeah I am" I was looking at him strangely, "would you like to get a guided tour?" he asked "I guess so" I said to him "by the way I'm Sky" "nice to meet you I'm Silver."

As we started to walk Sky had on a running commentary about Budder City, he points to a shop with golden tools in it "that's the budder tools hardware store" "budder? Don't you mean gold?" I ask him "gold is a non existing word here we use budder" ' he grins at me "in this glorious city we say budder not gold" I look at him confused.

"Gold is called budder in this city whether or not you live here as decreed by the king" he explains "really the king decreed that as a law?" I ask him "yep, want to see him? The king?" he asks me, I hope we aren't meeting him personally "we aren't going to meet him personally are we?" "nope! we are going to go see the statue of him in the castle courtyard which is always open" "okay then!" "follow me!" he calls over his shoulder, I run after him as he leads me through the city I will never be able to find the edge unless I climb onto the buildings, Sky seems to be heading strait to the middle.

Which I suppose is where the castle is, we slow down and I can see a golden castle "is that it?" I point to the gold castle "yeah it is we're nearly there" Sky takes us through a few more alleys and we are right in front of it, the castle is huge I can't even begin describing how big it is "here we are Silver the budder castle" Sky walks over the drawbridge did I mention it has a moat? and gestures for me to follow "this is amazing! how long did it take to build?" "I'm not exactly sure" he replies "a year? maybe 2? I'm not sure" we walk into a large courtyard filled with greenery, there was a gold and quartz statue in the middle and figure was of Sky!

"is that you?" "yes I am the king of the Budder Kingdom and Budder City" 'wow he is king and gave me a tour what kind of king is he?' "you are king of the Budder Kingdom?" I still could not get over that he a king! Gave me a guided tour of his city "yeah I am its no biggie" I stare at him like he is insane, which he is "what Silver? You surprised?" "y- yeah I am" I sit down on a bench still trying to understand why he gave me a tour "I'm betting your wondering why I gave you a tour right?" I look at him, Sky hit it right on the mark "yeah I am wondering that" "I did it because when I try to talk with the citizens they are like 'your Majesty' yada yada yada it get boring and because you didn't know me for who I am I could talk to you NORMALLY" he put a lot of emphasizes on normally "oh so that's why, you don't want me to treat you as king?" "yeah" "okay then" I give Sky a quick smile and then a person came into the courtyard "Sky who's this?".

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