Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

As I slowly search the room for something to clean Ssundee's wound I start to notice some differences; When I am close to light it gets harder to see and when it's darker I can see normally, so I go around removing light sources and only leaving light where Ty and Ssundee are so they can see. As I walk back I find a tiny bottle no bigger than my thumb filled with a light blue liquid I picked it up and put it in my pocket knowing it was a healing potion.

I hurried over to where Ty and Ssundee were and l kneeled next to Ssundee gently pulling off his shirt and dousing the wound in liquid from the little blue bottle. "Ty you have those strips ready yet?" I asked he nods and passes me a pile of strips from his shirt and I start wrapping them around Ssundee's torso, tight enough that they will stay on but loose enough that it won't hurt him, much. After I was done tieing the ends off Ty slung Ssundee over his shoulder and started walking out and I followed close behind.

~Le Timeskip~

After Ty, Ssundee and I came out of the tower we had been bundled off to bed by Seto who came out a few minutes after us coughing smoke and saying. "You nearly got killed!" Ssundee had been rushed into the castle hospital, Ty and I were sent to our rooms to rest though I kept having terrible nightmares. It has been a week and I'm still having them.

I wake up screaming, my breathe coming in short gasps my nightmares have never been more real I look at my arm where the scratch had been. It was still THERE I screamed again and I heard Adam (he has asked me to call him that) knocking on the door yelling. "You alright?!" "Yeah yeah I'm fine." I take a deep breathe trying to calm down. My mother prepared me for this I will be fine. 'I WILL NOT BE BLOODY FINE' my brian screamed at me, I sat up and got out of bed trying not to freak out, what had my mother called me and her? Dreamwelders? No it was... Dreamwalkers that's it, she said my dreams will be more real than anyone else's other than other dreamwalkers, and that I could walk in other's dreams and send them to sleep among other things. I wish she was here now so I could ask her why it was happening now?!

I leaned against the wall of my room and changed in to some jeans and a t-shirt and walked through the door nearly knocking Adam over, I quickly hid my arm so he wouldn't worry about it. "You sure? You just ran into me like a train you're distracted tell me why," he said I shook my head. "I'm fine Adam, really." "If you say so." I walk down the hallway and into the dining hall, through that and into the kitchen where Seto was whipping up pancakes. "Want some?" he asked I nod and sit down on one of the chairs within the kitchen and wait for Seto to finish cooking so I can eat.

"Here you go." Seto pulls out a plate and dumps a pancake onto it placing it in front of me. "Thanks Seto." I dig in pausing after my first bite, it tastes HORRIBLE I push the plate away and pick up the pancake and throw it in the bin making eating noises. "Yum Seto thanks," I said getting up and walking out quickly. "By the way where did you get that scratch?" Seto asks before I can leave, I pause thinking whether I should tell him but mentally shake my head. "It's nothing, I got it from training with Jason." I say hoping Seto won't see through my lie he nods and goes back to making his awful pancakes. I walk out hoping to find Jerome and ask him to teach me to fish, with my bare hands.

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