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"Have you heard Norris?" Luca

"What?" Norris while rubbing his belly "it's so itchy I just want to scratch this belly like hell but I don't want to have stretch marks, it will took me 6 months before I could remove it!" Hissed

"Aliyah is coming back-"

"WHAT?! Are you out of your mind!" Norris shouted

"What's the matter?!" As Silbert came to his aid

"Damn I might need to file a long break at least five years I don't want to see Regina almost falling again" and wipes his sweat."

"What did you say to agree?" Looks on Luca and rubs Norris Belly

"Aliyah's name in here was a huge bomb in here equivalent to the word pet ownership." Looks at the elite "Harold Tax was just a granade."

"Is she a MOH?"

"She went crazy and something so wrong." Norris "it almost destroyed Regina."

"She was that bad?"

"Who won't go crazy after a furniture assassinated her and a elite child she was bearing for months." Luca "but what she did after was total madness, she made Riki regret saving her."

"She and Him was in war." Norris

"But time to time she tried to patch things with him." Luca

"I might believe he allowed her to go back."

"If he didn't left her when it's his furnitures fault she lost the child she wouldn't go so mad! I talked to him almost beg to stay in my power but he still left." Luca

"It was a double blow, he also found out it was a blondie's spy." Silbert was shock and listening while Norris answer back

"But he didn't care for Aliyah! That's the other reason we don't like a child with a elite" Gideon have just came when he heard it "they would just leave and treat us like a trash after they failed! So Lord Domina if you try to do that with Norris I will kill you!"

"I won't do that!" Adding "that so idiot thing to do! Who are you both talking?!" Silbert

"Gaspar Daze" Luca/Norris

"Him?" Gideon came

"Yeah that stupid platina! I even offered him half of my winery shares just for him to stay for my biological daughter! She didn't stay!" Tears streaming on Luca's eyes, Aliyah was lab grown Norris have fathered her through invitru and born thru a machine womb. "Norris have kneeled to him for our child!" It was once said by Harold, Luca and Max have children and lab born, same with Riki and Grace they have a child whom he experimented on named Sora who lives in Versa whom Riki often visits, he attended Riki's wedding but they never saw him in person only Iason and it left early and didn't attend to Eugene's wedding as a boycott, they were all Moh all were lab made, he did it out of boredom and with Luca and Max only two survives up to this date, one was Letixia (Max fathered) a bar chain owner and a unknown one he wouldn't name so it was Aliyah.

"Sir Sora is here!" Norris servant address "he was spotted with Sir Riki and Lady Grace!"

"What?!" As Luca open the hologram a man a bit taller than Riki was spotted with a short black hair and looks like Grace and Riki mixed with Light brown eyes was spotted and Grace was smiling and curling her arms with the other, while Riki was talking and laughing with him.

"He looks like both of them."

"His not tan but looks good" Gideon

"What is the commotion?" Haynes Salas came and look at the hologram "who is that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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