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At Eugene's party on Tanagura every elites have eyed on certain MOH some offered them accommodations on Eos which the majority rejected and only few high ranks MOH accepted the invitation of those some out of superficial for them to stop the insisting and may be the last time they will accept it, Raoul have made the necessary arrangements making his pet relocated for the meantime to his lab for Grace and the pet had a fight making the pet almost die by just punching in its stomach, Aisha making his pet agreeable to Sid, Silbert won't take pets anymore till Norris gave birth and when it's already walking, Gideon on the other side made Luca so scared at his plat when he gave her a room full of stuff toys and a displayed pink bikinis for her to use and it run away, it made others laugh till their guts bursted, most excused themselves as they've already book flights and gone waiting in hours on airports, some have accommodations booked on Midas Hotels, others started the long journey with their hover cars saying they enjoy long travels. Some are lies some are true since they're all itching to get out of the metallic city quickly, only few stayed like Norris, Sid and Riki who was locked by Iason on his plat.

"Riki just stay for few days." Iason

"I have a delivery for Grada next week I need to get going tommorow only have this night to spare." Riki said

"Where's Pier?" as he ask his furniture

"Master he was already boarded his flight" Nick said

"He have business to attend too." Riki

"I have seen his accounts he have almost half a billion of credits." Iason "not to mention he owns restaurants, a very exclusive condominium unit in Lucille with a space 2/3 of my flat, a organic farmhouse at Regina, and a apartment in Midas.

"MOH's are considered poor when they only have a million of Credits, I'm serious." The furniture was shocked, a person with a million at bank is rich and have a lavish life in midas. "The reason why none of my  employees can be paid to spy." Glares at Iason "your offer was a big joke." Smiled

"Considering the financial situation of your people you really have their loyalty, now my eyes are wide open" Iason looks on him "you are so precious for them that day I addressed you as mine every was going to kill me, you are Regina itself they will bite and bark just to make you safe and stay.

"I'm not like that."

"Really? Your more influential to Timothy, everyone have their lives owed to you, even Grace given a signal will dispose me that easy."

"Don't say nonsense"

"I never thought you have this potential, likely I'm so jealous with Harold, he have seen your growth." Stands Up "I will take you to the airport next morning" and left

Outside his plat he saw the Elite he never wished to see "Iason."

"Harold." He was about to leave when Harold talk

"Considering mother have agreed to your plans, likewise he just married you to shut up dear brother."

"Between the two of us Harold I'm more heavier."

"Your just as heavy as a paperweight, like how he could do with a snap to cancel your marriage contract you just hold a worthless position in his life."

"Are you bragging about the difference of mine being his husband, versus you being the father of his daughter." Harold smirked "Harold if that was more heavier than a paperweight, why didn't he married you before when he just got Eugene?" The smirk was gone "it's because I have more value for him, you took him away from me."

"That's a long time ago."

"But you made me suffer for centuries, I could have seen him more early"

"It's mother's will" Iason was shock "the reason why she put a invisible wall in that region for you not to find him! Haven't you realize it's not all about Eugene, didn't you know of weren't for my child he would be caged forever for you not to see."

"Your lying"

"He was seeking you when Eugene was being born, out of nowhere Jupiter our mother came in front of you and Raoul that day just asking for silly question! Riki was the one talking to you! She won't let you know he was alive."

"Is that true?"

"He was threatened one slipped if you found out about him being alive and that Region he was your pet he will lost his child's custody. You don't know what his been with Mother so if I where you be more reasonable stop making threats about Eugene. He loves you but remember he loves Eugene so much and fought for her." With that the other left him.

The day was busy as usual, Iason looks on the time, Riki wasn't messaging him, he often think what Harold told him was true, to make him stop his threats Riki married him to shut up, if it was true why would he let him stay in his life and be welcomed? Isn't that the opposite of what is common sense.

"Raoul" Iason said to the blondie that entered his office

"What is bothering you?" Raoul

"Jupiter treated Riki with a iron rod all his life when he conceived Eugene till his child got married. He live like a robot those years."

"What is the connection with the others?"

"The same reason why they avoid us, Silbert confirmed Norris was extremely scared of Jupiter."

"It seems she isn't forgiving." Continues "they saw it first hand." Iason nodded

"I want to make up with Riki."

"What do you propose?"

"I intend to stay more in Regina as the Villa is now fully operational, I might stay there one quarter of a year."


"For me to show Riki I will do everything in my power, it will not be the same this time with me."

"I understand." Looks on the terminal "Grace? Why did you message me?"

"I can't get out of this freaking garden this worthless pets surrounded me!"

She's 200 plus old

Really?! She looks so young

She's too beautiful

I envy her skin

How did she get the lovely hair look that healthy?!

Raoul then laughs the pets admires the MOH she was so beautiful and nobody in Regina could admire her openly for she was too authoritarian. They admire more about the policies and her being a good herbalist. "Get me out of here!" With that the communication was lost.

"Get her out now, most of the pets are now admiring something so high, they might have an illusion of mating a MOH like her" Iason

"That is preposterous!" Gideon came "Jupiter have just agreed to, we can have sex with just one certain race and MOH and their offsprings are the exclusive ones!" Angered "they should not even think of it!"

"But it doesn't mean they are exclusive to us, mind you Gideon, they have more choices from the dignified human citizens of Regina, MOH, to other towns and Amoian, and the rest of other inter galactic beings."

"Yes but somehow Iason was right we need to put barriers with pets exposing to MOH, even though they don't like pets it doesn't mean they won't start liking them." Gideon "I propose to have a meeting with the rest of the elites representatives of each color. To draw a line between pets engaging with MOH. Even a little chance we need to eliminate, future threat."

"I should get going I have promised her a tour on my lab today before she leaves" Raoul said

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