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"I can go home?" Riki said in disbelief he know well in his mind, that this might be a trap knowing the bastard blondie to well, being his pet for four years is enough to know he have a scheme. If this is real he needs to keep it low and might as well get a job or too much money to leave where he won't see or hear the name Iason Mink.

"Go now before I change my mind" the cold blondie said without looking on him fixing his gaze at the end of the kings road where his mongrel pet was bred and born, as he could see the dark path in the end of the street he was fascinated to the thought, his obsidian eyes and black hair is in the same shade of darkness. This was so interesting black hair and black eyes, not even his biochemist friend a fellow blondie Raoul could bred in his lab, only onyx elite could have that characteristic, Jupiter have said to him trillion of lightyears or more there is Planet Earth located, black hair is ordinary there nations upon nations, but no black eyes only darkest of dark brown.

It was explained by Raoul throughout time manipulating the human race changing their hair color more than than the number in the rainbow, those colors that wasn't natural made the human genes reject the production of normal melanin in the eyes and hair to become black which was not also found in the lions on earth it is now near impossible (but riki live to prove it wrong), and location of the Gallant Galaxy and at least all other galaxy known, humans have ended in dna to breed specie like Riki or to see a Earth Human with black hair roaming was the only slightest possibility, a chance to see, so it is so strange and impossible to common sense that he was here with him talking to this creature, he was priceless, yet he needed to let him go, he wouldn't allow him to discover Daryl's death, he won't allow anyone to be engraved in his heart only him to leave a mark, he was already annoyed to the fact he have friends back there waiting for him and a pairing partner, he want him to be isolated with him forever.

If there was other options open....

He would likely choose it....

But things are all of a sudden and if he don't act fast, he might loose him forever, he do know every elite was waiting for him to let him go, he was the rarest of the rare, even if his he was already eighteen likely he won't go on any midas brothel, he would end up in one of the posh plats of other elites, worst ending in Raoul's lab or others he was hinting him when he done with Riki he will purchase him to be able to create black haired and eyes academy pets. This is just for one year, a breather for the mongrel.


"Iason where in Amoi is Riki?" He looked at the biochemist "I told you if are over with him I will purchase him."

He didn't answer and focused on his work. It's been a month and Raoul couldn't find him. It seems Riki was hiding so good, that even his gang mates haven't even seen him based on reports, the last sighting was he was at home for few days and left since then no one could locate him, not even the tracer Katze give him seem not to work at all, as he check on it.

He was calming himself, he was anxious already, this is getting out of hands, letting Riki go is a big mistake, but he needed to keep his cool for a year, he knew Riki will surface the sooner the later.


"You where precious to him? It seems that he haven't cancelled your registration pet."

"Shut the hell up! Let me go you freak!" Riki hissed, in a cell how long was it, he lost track in time. He was looking for a job, trying to evade his former gang members even Guy, he didn't want them to get involved in him due to Iason. He don't entertain imagining things would happen on the blondie's whim, so in prevention he keep things low, looking for a job and evading even his former employer Katze, while he was on his way in a job interview he was hit by something so hard that made him knockout and woke up in a cell with a different clothes, like how prisoners look like. He haven't done anything wrong, this isn't even midas prison, this was like how Eos detention look like, but it also smell like Raoul's lab, and it make him frightened. Even the prisoners here are so behave they won't talk trash like he do!

"Why would I shut up? Maybe you should" the man smiled and suddenly he smell something a sleeping gas of sort, it was always like this when the man came, the other prisoners were so scared of this man. He remember the day when he was in guardian people like him came and won't allow them to go out after making some sort of test making them drink something so awful he don't want to remember, he was dizzy but he have used his strength to ask.

"Who are you?" His knees felt jelly he hold onto the glass wall between them as he look at the mysterious man.

The man removed his mask and he was shocked.

"I am Harold Tax" he smiled "I am a very righteous man, more than Iason or anyone" Riki felt he was in great danger.

"You're a blondie? I.... Thought..." He was loosing his balance

"There are only thirteen indeed on the list I was removed in the middle of forming Tanagura, I was also mind wipe as well to the memory of all Tanaguran Elites you knew Raoul he did that hundreds of years ago, only blondie's knew me." He came near and touched his cheek as he entered at Riki's cell "let me do something interesting, do you want to fly?" On those words the mongrel passed out.

Hope you all like it!


April 3, 2019

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