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Iason looks at the Riki from a distance, as if he was almost mirror like image of his great grandfather.

"Thank you sir" the child said as Riki tune his Viola

"I like how you take care of it." And he gives something "a rosin for your bow it seems your running out" he smiled

"Thank you!" The child smile and he left with his father, other than Ceres, Regina is the other place where they allow natural birth in Amoi, with a strict rule over one child policy if you already have a daughter and when you have a son then you decided to second you can but if only you could pay fifty thousand credit fine, there is 3 woman over 10 men in population here.

"Iason, do we need to investigate?" Orphe said as the Riki walk towards them

"Likewise it is a waste of time, Timothy said he didn't know my Riki, and I suppose he have died burying the answers and left his grandson to give us a proof he did have a good life." He was mad to the idea of he got settled with someone else and have his own family, on that thought he wanted to excume his remains bring it to Raoul to resurrect if its not impossible and give him a whipping, and then give him a very good beating in bed making him to painful or couldn't walk for days or week.

"I apologize if I couldn't meet you earlier I was-"

"Playing your Cello at the cliff" Iason cut him off

"I was, But I was serenading the owner to sell it" he smiled "it seems you were the one stalking me?"

Iason felt so irritated upon hearing it, he wanted to see the landowner and give him punishment for making Riki perform in front of him. But what was he thinking this is not his pet, he shouldn't be angry at all.

"So you knew?" Iason

"Off course who wouldn't it is so quiet in that hour and then you would hear hover cars stopping almost in front of you." And then Orphe joined the conversation he wanted to settle the orders so he could go back in Tanagura.

"Your Manager told me that you couldn't supply our order it's just twenty."

"But sadly my Lord, we could only produce 50 violins a month and we are only left 10 to sell in our store." The man explains

"Then give us the ten and cancel the other 10 orders and lets meet." Orphe Bargained he really want the violins

"We couldn't do that the next orders are for my client at Pofshi" Orphe was shock it was not part of garan solar system, it was two solar systems away from Amoi and will took at least more than two weeks to get there.

"It seems that you are well known but your price is cheap how could you survive the expenses delivering it from space?" Iason said

"It is just as simple that my products are made here so they are cheap here but if I send them away it is more costly adding up the amount I need to send them, and the miscellaneous fees and off course it adds up the price a reasonable percent at the price tag. Its like buying a famous local brand of wine miles away from the source"

"And when you sell it outside, it will be more expensive and luxury" Iason supplied "it seems your also good in business, and Regina is reaping the things luxury outside this town, like your cheap violins, your papers and other products. And you provide it almost for free."

"He is an asset to Regina, many of the tourists here are music and art enthusiasts of the old world, painting and sketching using paper is worth hundreds or thousands of credits but in here they could get a set of twelve sheets for only ten credits." Timothy

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