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A few weeks after Eugene's party the elites started to come back to Regina, to unwind and partially work in the Elitist in what was left to do. It have been a habit to everyone a breather to how stiff Tanagura, and how passive and light Regina and some of the Region.

"I want to get a takeaway for my pet" Leon Claire

"My Lord we apologize we don't do that for the quality will be inferior and the experience will be different." The waiter

Leon was with Raoul and Gideon he wanted to take something for his pet but the posh restaurant said no "is it because you disdain pets?!" He was already arguing for the last ten minutes if he don't get what he wants he will for close this establishment.

"Even if it's the most powerful person on Amoi or the whole Universe the policy of my Restaurant remains the same." Someone talk at his back as he look it was pier in his chef uniform

"Sir Hanz!" The waiter bow

"You own this restaurant?" Aisha who just came with Sid

"Yes" Sid confirmed Leon was surprised this restaurant was very fine! Every Elite likes the food here, not to mention he have 3 branches in the town and one each and every town in the region.

"If you wanted to, I could prepare something for your pet in my expense which I afraid isn't the same food we served but the quality wouldn't suffer and you could still have the fine quality and deliver it to the Villa." Pier said and left.

"He was rich but still serve Riki, I'm so jealous with him." Gideon laughs "if anyone could make a MOH get along with a Elite he could."

"Thanks I will call him." Leon as he look at Pier who's talking to his staff and went inside the kitchen


"Lord Claire I don't meddle with my  butler's behavior towards someone as long as he's doing his job well, I don't see any reason to force him to like you." With that Riki turn off his phone and massages his forehead, the Tanagura Elites are becoming a nuisance, he will be leaving his workshop to meet Iason when it came

"I've heard your finished restringing your Cello?" Iason came to his suprise

"You're just in time" Riki smiled to the Blondie "would you like to hear me play?"

"It will always be my pleasure dear." The other smiled as Riki put rosin in his bow and a few tuning on the pegs he begin to play, I was then serve by the staff giving him his favorite tea and some exquisite pastries made of natural dried fruits with special mix of local wine. Riki

If it was like this all the time with Riki he will bid farewell to his position in Tanagura and retire and spend eternity with him, but it wasn't to be that easy, he needed his seat to keep jupiter away from Riki. He doesn't want another traumatic blow for him.

As Riki play he was overwhelmed on how lovely the sound his cello creates, he told the Cello he was using was one of his first perfected one's, the passion for his work and devotion for was lovely. Amir was right anyone would a piece of Riki's love, if he was crazy he would just hoard the one's he make and keep it away to everyone. Riki have finish his piece and everyone claps, especially him "do you like it?" Riki asking for his approval

"Yes, I can't wait one day we got a little raven or blond, whichever gender I don't care and seeing you teach our child playing that will make my heart jump for joy." Iason

"That's torture for my side." With Riki's face of grimance imaging his time with Eugene, Iason just laughs

"It's been a long while when you have her, but if you don't want to I respect your position"

"That's the first"


"Of respecting my "position" you tend to do it your way hi-way."

"I realize your opinion will matter with our marriage. I care less now for a child, I just want to keep you forever, and never be lost." With that Riki blushed and looked away

"Lord Mink" Amir

"What is it?" Iason

"Mr. Katze is here, he said you summoned him."

"Tell him I will be meeting him in Riki's Office" with that the old man left

"So your leaving?" Riki

"Not yet, I have a meeting in outer space would you like to accompany me? It's for three days."

"I'm sorry but I'm going to Versa tomorrow."


"How? What are you talking about?"

"How could you just come and go that easy on that planet in exact time and date? I know you have a store there."

"Versa is completely owned and citizen planet for MOH. I own 20% of it, Grace 22%, Luca 5% while Sid, Norris, and Max each owns 4% and Aliyah owns 12% (with unpleasant reaction upon saying her name) the rest owns less than 1% of entitlement." Added "I have the rights to order that planet when and where should it be and when it should stop on our solar system. It was an option when one day we needed to leave Regina we could have something our own planet."

"Is that so? And who's Aliyah?" Iason felt she was hated by his spouse.

"I don't want to talk about her, but here are some facts, she owns chains of hotel in this Region and in Versa. it's been almost a hundred years since she left Regina and stayed in Versa permanently."

"She was rich." Iason

"More richer than Luca and Norris after they gave her inheritance"

"Is she?"

"Yes born out of lab fertilization and born using artificial lab womb, they are her biological parents"

"Just like how Sora to you and Grace?" Yes other than Eugene, Riki told him he have another child from Grace a biological one same as how Harold did to Luca and Max, after Eugene was exposed, he have seen him but it didn't even tried to talk to him, he attended their wedding but didn't expose with the visitor, a shadow of the past, and it was already making his blood boil on how Harold toy on Riki, he made him miserable not to mention there are rumors Sora love Grace more than Riki so it was obviously distant and didn't attend at Eugene's birthday.

"to supply your curiosity she was mentally unstable for twenty years." It seems remembering her made Riki's blood boil, who wouldn't she abducted Eugene and almost killed Sora to force the Platina to comeback for her, everyone that day see how dangerous Riki as a mad Concy of Eugene, and angered father of Sora, he almost destroyed half of Regina in rage that time. She was pitiful and desperate.

"Last question, does she have an important role in here?" He sense Riki doesn't want to talk about her anymore, so he will stop now.

"Not in the government and influence, but she have economic share in tourism because of her hotels, the clubhouse she owns it" pause "she's the reason why furnitures aside from Timothy are regulated"

"What?" Iason puzzled

"One of them killed her unborn child." With that Orphe was silence for any inquiry but the last one of Riki's sentence was unbelievable "it killed Jupiter's supposed to be second grandchild" and Riki's horsehair in his bow snaps when he grips it tigtly. "I don't want to talk about her anymore this will be the last time."


Thank you for reading

October 22, 2019


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