65.1: False Friends

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"I don't know what's real and what's fake when it comes to you anymore and I don't want to have to sit there and have to decipher your truths from your lies. At this point it's Hazel who because this person right here I don't know. I knew this shit had to be more than bout Trey then again I should've known something was up during the whole sit down but I didn't want to think that my sister would be on some fuck shit. I still don't even know how that night went because after I came back from seeing Mama J my supposed to be sister was nowhere in sight. Shit just goes to show you that genetics is a bitch because even though my parents raised you, you still turned out to be just like ya folks" April spoke calmly as she wiped her hands over her eyes wiping away her tears before they could fall.

"Come here ma" Dave looked at April and leaned over and scooped her out of the chair and placed her in his lap. She sighed and buried her face in his chest as she inhaled his scent instantly calming down. Just being in his arms made everything better.

Chris sat there as his legs bounced up and down while he looked over at Hazel in pure disgust. "I can't fuck with you either. I treated you like a sister. I would've never thought that we would be here right now but here we are. You were so busy throwing shade at April bout our son that you didn't think bout how I would feel. You knew what happened and you knew I wasn't there. You even knew that this whole shit with Jr is still new to me and I deal with his loss on a daily. I didn't know bout him till she told me while we were having our talk. Yet you were rubbing his death in my face too" Chris said and paused.

"Not only that but you rubbed our fuckin failed relationship in both of our faces. You knew how much I regretted that shit but you didn't care you tossed all of our failures right in our faces because you were in ya fuckin feelings. I fucked up I know I did but damn you were her sister. You were so busy acting like ya shit didn't stink when that shit smells just as rancid as the new you does. Wow Trey really lucked up to fall for a broad like you" Chris spat angrily. At this point Hazel couldn't do or say shit. She knew she had royally fucked up and no one in this room was on her side or in her corner. Her best bet was to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Nobody was here for her tears and her woah is me sob story. "Oh yea I guess I'm the fuck boy you mentioned to" he chuckled.

"Chris brother I'm sorry I fucked up. All I wanted was to make April feel like I felt. I'm sorry for throwing something so sensitive in ya face. It was never my intentions to hurt ya feelings"

"Save that shit for someone who cares I heard enough" Chris spat.

"I said it before but since you on some stupid shit I'm a say it again and refresh ya memory. You know how I feel bout family and how me and my family are. Family is important to me. I don't go around just calling anybody family. You have to earn that shit. I look up to all y'all and I love all y'all but you know how I feel bout betrayal. That shit doesn't sit well with me especially when it's by so-called family. I'm dating April's lil sister and if you can do that to her I don't even want to imagine what you would do or say about mines If you were in ya feelings bout something you thought she did. So you can cry and say sorry as much as you want but you done fucked up so bad nobody even believes it's genuine. You've been holding shit in for so long you've been a fraud for years. Aug ain't here for it. I ain't fuckin with you. Now you got me questioning mad shit. So yea you can count me out" August looked at her and shrugged.

"So this is it. I loose everyone today. The only family I know is ready to give up on me. I made one mistake and all y'all are ready to throw the towel in" she looked around at everybody sadly but like already stated no one was buying it. She had done this shit to herself.

April straightened herself up and sat properly on Dave's lap and smiled at Hazel. Her ass was type bipolar these days. "Now we all know this isn't it. You know I'm petty Betty and since you practically went against the grain and said fuck me and fuck the family I gotta make ya bitch ass pay literally and figuratively. See you forgot just how much you need me instead of me needing you. I'm good over here I have a room full of shoulders to cry on so without you I'm straight. But you, you" April looked at her and laughed. "See some years back when I purchased not only this building but the other two ya silly ass wrote me a letter and had it notarized stating that you would pay me back my hard earned coints boo. See you must've forgot bout that and I did too until you decided to bite the hand that feeds you. I had my lawyers look over the document and guess what it's legit boo so I'm coming to collect. You've made more than enough money to pay me back for all three properties"

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