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Adore's P.O.V.
I'm in the top 4! The. Top. 4! It feels so surreal. I thought for sure when I first came into this competition that I would be out by the 4th week. But once I won my first challenge, I knew I could actually win this whole thing.
Michelle comes in to the Werkroom, and tells us that we are going to be in Ru's music video for "Sissy That Walk", and that we have to act out two acting scenes with him. While we are all talking, Jamal Sims walks in, taking me completely by surprise. He tells us that he's going to teach us the choreography for the music video. I'm up first, and I had it down pretty quickly. Courtney did good too. Then it's Bianca's turn, and it's hard to watch. It's like her legs are made of wood.
While we are all practicing on our dance routine and finding our outfits for the final runway, each of us are pulled away to a lunch date with Mama Ru in full drag. I was called in last for our lunch date, and holy shit Ru looked stunning. I hope I look THAT good when I'm 52.
Ru asks me why I think I should win the crown.
"This is my passion, it's my calling, I was raised right, so I would not let you down." I reply to him.
"So Adore, you're really close to your mom; You talk about her all the time."
"Yeah. Like my mom is all I need. She like my mom, my dad, my grandparents, she's everything to me, so."
"What about your dad?" Ru asks me.
"I don't really have a relationship with him."
"Do you want one?" I just nod my head no.
"Why not?"
"There's a lot of things that he said to me when I was younger. When I was 7, he said that like, he was basically embarrassed of me because I was feminine, and I liked girl things. And it just, really stuck with me. That, I think, has a lot to do with my confidence. Like, a lot of my freak-outs, a lot of my insecurities come from that."
Ru then tells me that the broken place in me will be like my spiritual resurrection, and that my dad is missing out on a talented kid. He then tells me to win this for my mom. And damnit, I will.
All 4 of us finish our makeup and go onset for the music video. After we all dance together, we are told we have to dance separately on a treadmill in heels, with a giant fan blowing in our faces. Party. Bianca is up first, and damn, does she look good in that leotard. When its my turn, I do really well! I didn't slip once, to my surprise. Jamal even tells me that I'm on fire! Then Darienne is next, and bitch just stole my motherfuckin' move. Bitch, I did that first, I did that first.
After we finish dancing, we switch wigs and outfits, and go to do our first acting scenes. I'm up first, and I think I did good! My twerking could've been better, but other than that, I feel good about how I did.
It's time to do our second acting scene, and I was slightly critiqued on my intensity. I was told to put more parody-like tricks into it.
It's the last day of this entire journey! Holy shit it's been a roller coaster! While we are deciding on what to wear for the finale runway, we are all talking about our first impressions of each other.
"When I first met you, I was afraid of you because you were very quick-witted, and I knew that you could shut me down in seconds. I thought we were going to fight. But when I got to know you, the dynamic changed so much. Like, I feel like, you brought out another side out of me." I tell Bianca.
"Now Adore, the first day that I met you, you were standing next to Laganja, and I was like "Ohhh Fuck." Then it clicked that I was like "Oh, she's fun, she's cool." 'Cause you said something about 'hog body' and I'm like "I got this extra corset, let me help this bitch out." Had you been Laganja, you would've been fat the whole time. I wouldn't have given it to her." That last statement makes me laugh.
Courtney then says that she wants Bianca to finish a sentence without a joke.
"Okay. Courtney's an asshole." Bianca retorts, making me laugh.
It's time to head to our final runway. Courtney lent me a dress of hers and I have never felt more beautiful.

   All of my critiques were positive, besides Santino's comment about my wig

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All of my critiques were positive, besides Santino's comment about my wig. Michelle said that my dancing and acting were her favorites! I couldn't stop smiling even if you paid me to. Bianca's critiques were all positive as well. Michelle says that she wouldn't change anything about Courtney's look tonight, making Courtney fall to the floor jokingly. Darienne also got really good critiques. Shit. It's anybody's game now.
Ru then asks us all why we should be America's Next Drag Superstar.
"These girls up here are all stars. But I'm really sorry about it, I'm America's next drag SUPERstar. I feel like I'm relatable, I'm approachable, and with this title, I'll be very proud to carry on the legacy, and teach all the little mermaids of the world. I just really, really want to make you proud. I'm already a winner, but the crown would really, would complete this whole look, and everything. And I love you guys. Thank you."
Bianca immediately makes me cry with her speech.
"There's an old saying that you can't teach an old dog new tricks; For me, it wasn't going through the competition with an adolescent charm, going through it with a fabulous body and beauty, or going through it with great lip-sync talent. I had dresses, I had hair, and...a guard. I have built up this wall, and this experience has changed me, and I didn't expect it to be this magical or this inspiring, but it is. I went through a self-discovery, accepting that I'm not such a bad bitch, and I thank all of you, personally from the bottom of my chilly little heart. Thanks."

It is time for all of us to lip-sync for our lives. We are separated into 2 groups: me and Darienne, and Bianca and Courtney. The entire time I'm performing, I just feel so accomplished. I never thought that I would get this far. I know I'm already a star, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna half-ass this lip-sync.
Once the song ends, we all rejoin on the stage. Ru decided to send home Darienne, and I feel really sad. She really became of my best friends throughout this competition. It sucks that she's gone, but I know she will be a star out of this Werkroom, I feel it in my gut.
After the cameras cut, we all head back into the Werkroom. Bianca begins to pack up her stuff in her station, when Courtney says she needs to tell her something. While they are talking I'm removing my makeup. Once I finish de-dragging, it hits me that I never gave Bianca her cincher back. I go to hand it back to her, and my heart immediately breaks at the sight I see. Bianca and Courtney kissing.
"Adore, it's not what it looks like!" Bianca reassures me.
"How could you?" Is all I'm able to say. I had all of my stuff pre-packed, so I grab it, and leave the Werkroom as fast as humanly possible. Tears are streaming down my face. I thought he loved me, I thought he was different. But I'm wrong, once again.

I fucking hate my life.

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