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Adore's P.O.V.
It was almost time for my group to hit the stage. Dela's group was overall pretty good. Courtney sang really well, Gias voice, while annoying, was very entertaining, Dela did really good as the evil queen, and Bianca was pretty funny as a pageant queen. Now it was time for my team to go on the stage. Don't freak out, Adore. Don't. Freak. Out. Once Milk finishes her line, it's my turn to go on. Here goes everything.

Bianca's P.O.V.
My team just finished and now it's time for Adore's team to go on. I hear Adore start to sing, and wow. She sounds even better than the first time I heard her. Her voice is fucking phenomenal. I didn't pay attention to anyone in that stage besides her. Once her group finished, we all came back on stage and finished the Rusical. Once we reentered the Werkroom, I walked up to Adore, who was taking off her wig and dress to put on her runway outfit. "Hey, you were incredible out there." I said. I can see her start to blush through her foundation. "Thanks. I was so scared out there. I thought I was gonna flop."
She said trying to hide her huge smile. "Well you definitely didn't flop. There is a huge chance you will win this challenge." "You really think that?" She said looking even happier, if that's possible. "I really do." I pull her to where no one can see us and pull her into a kiss. We were as careful as possible, trying not to smudge our lipstick, but we most definitely did not succeed in not smudging our lipstick. "Let's finish getting ready." I said. And we finish getting ready to head to the stage for the critiques. Adore gets praised for her incredible performance, besides Michelle saying that she needs to be cinched, and is in the top 3 of the week. I am declared safe. Courtney ends up winning the challenge, which is a deserved win, but I think Adore should've won, honestly. I may be a little biased, but I think her voice is better than Courtneys. Adore seems a little sad, but she's happy that she finally got some praise from the judges. April and Trinity are in the bottom, and damn, Trinity did really good in the lip sync. April sadly sashays away, but she'll be fine. She's a beautiful girl, her career is far from over. The day is over and Adore asks if I want to hang out again tonight. "I think you already know the answer to that question chola." He smiles and we head to my hotel room. We decide to watch Judge Judy. "I'm actually going to do her for snatch game, whenever that happens." I whisper to him. "Really?! You'll kill it! You are gonna be a perfect Judge Judy!" Danny says excitedly. "Thanks. Who are you gonna do?" "Anna Nicole Smith." "Oh that's perfect for you." "What's that supposed to mean?!" He says, slightly offended. "It's not a bad thing, chola." I say, chuckling. We continue watching the show, and I hear faint snoring coming from Danny. It's the cutest sound I have ever heard. I don't feel it's necessary to move him to his room, so I just cuddle up next to him. I eventually fall asleep with Danny in my arms.

Adore's P.O.V.
I wake up in a warm embrace. I look up and it's Roy. I'm so comfortable, and Roy's still sleeping, so I just stay there until he wakes up. "Good morning, Chola." He says with a sleepy voice. "Good morning, Willow." He kisses my forehead before leaving the bed to get ready for the day. "Ready for week 5?" Roy says enthusiastically. "Let's do this, bitch." We enter the Werkroom, and Gia and Laganja are irritating as hell. Ru walks in and tells us that this week is THE SNATCH GAME. AHHHHH. Me and Bianca are smiling so wide it's probably scary. While we are practicing our characters, Ru walks up to me and asks me to do my impression of Anna Nicole Smith. I start it and he's already almost dying of laughter, so I think I did a damn good job. I look over at Bianca to see how she's doing, and she looks stressed out. Ive never seen her like this before. Usually she's annoyingly confident. "Hey willow, what's up?" I say looking concerned. "I just found out that Judge Judy is Ru's favorite TV show." That explains the stress on her face. "You'll be great. There's no need to worry." She smiles at me, looking a lot less stressed out than she was before. I leave to start on my makeup. "Ladies, you got 5 minutes until the Snatch Game starts!" One of the producers yells at us. I see that Gia has changed her character from Selena Quintanilla to Kim Kardashian. Oh boy. She's gonna be in trouble, I can already tell. It's time to enter the Snatch Game set. Let's do this!

Bianca's P.O.V.
It's time for the Snatch Game! Ru tells the camera who I am and I start my Judge Judy impression. Ru starts laughing and my stress completely goes away. I can win this! Adore is next to me, and she is NAILING her Anna Nicole Smith impression. She could take home her first win! Dela is doing Maggie Smith from Downton Abbey. She's really funny doing a stuck up old lady. Gia's Kim K impression is really bad, but not as bad as Langanja's Rachel Zoe. Oof, it's so cringy, but I gotta stay in character. I make fun of her while in character, and that seems to make Ru laugh. The Snatch Game is finally over and now it's time to get in our RuPaul inspired looks. While working on my outfit, I remember that every time that Adore walks out on the runway, Michelle complains and says she needs to have a cinched waist. I wanna help her out, it's the right thing to do. And I really like her, So.....

"Yes, Baby?" She called me baby. Don't. Freak. Out.
"If you don't wanna get yelled at by Michelle, cause didn't she tell you last time, that you need to be cinched?"
"Yeah." She says licking her teeth.
"I, and don't tell anyone that I'm being kind, have another cincher, if you want me to lace you in it."
"I'm down."
"Okay, we'll do it."

She looks really excited to prove to Michelle that she does listen to the critiques that she is given.

Adore's P.O.V.
Bianca just offered to lend me her cincher. Can my crush on her get any bigger?! Ugh! I finish doing my makeup, and Bianca walks up to me, cincher in hand. "You ready, Chola?" "Let's do this!" We walk into Bianca's area where all of her outfits are, and out of nowhere, Bianca crashes her lips onto mine. I obviously kiss back, I mean who wouldn't? We kiss for a good 5 minutes, and we only stop because we have limited time to get ready. Bianca laces me up in the cincher, and holy hell it is hard to breathe in this thing. "You okay?" Bianca says. "I'm fine, just gotta get used to the feeling." I'm about to leave Bianca's area, but she pulls me back in. "You might wanna fix your lipstick first." She says, handing me a makeup wipe. We fix our smudged lips from kissing and head back out. "Ladies, you got two minutes!" A producer yells. Once all of us girls walked out, me and Bianca were praised because of our incredible impressions, but we were also critiqued because our outfits weren't the best. But Michelle did compliment my waist being cinched. Finally! We go into the untucked lounge, and at this point I'm done with Laganja's bullshit.

"Well did you not, or did you not come for me today?" She says out of nowhere.
"When?!" I say, obviously confused.
"I'm not saying you came for me, but I- I do feel a little bit shafted by you today."
"When?" I say, more serious this time.
"I don't remember the exact comment you said, but earlier you were saying....I don't even know but I just felt a little hurt by you earlier."
"Oh girl, don't do all that girl, don't do all that."

I thought this bitch was my friend, guess not. We go back onto the stage and Dela wins this weeks main challenge. I think either me or Bianca was cost the win because our outfits weren't as good as Dela's. But she deserved the win, nonetheless. Laganja and Gia are in the bottom two, and Gia goes home. I just feel emotionally drained by today. Bianca comes over to me but I just don't feel like talking right now and go back to my hotel room. While I'm watching old seasons of RPDR, I hear a knock on my door. There's no one there, but there is a pizza box and a couple cans of beer. There's a note on top of the pizza box. I open it, and it says:

To cheer you up :)

He's really adorable when he wants to be.

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