"Now what?" I rocked my legs back and forth while gripping onto the edges of the counter.

"You tell me," he sighed while placing his arms next to either one of my thighs and onto the counter.

"Mario kart?" I arched an eyebrow at him challengingly.

"Nope. Thanks but no thanks. I'm not interested in losing again," he laughed sarcastically.

"Of course your highness." I nodded at him. "You uh- you have a leaf in your hair." I laughed slightly before picking it out for him. It probably got there with the rain since the swing is somewhat under the tree.

"Carthy, can I ask you a question?" he requested, getting my undivided attention.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded, suggesting he continued and asked whatever he wanted to.

"Am I that bad?" he asked. He continued once he saw my confused expression. "I break the law, I mess around with girls, I don't take anything seriously, I don't help my mom out with anything, I'm a dick even to you when I shouldn't be. I am that bad right?" he asked, taking a step back to lean on the counter opposite to mine, beside the stove.

I was thinking of how to answer his question when my eyes landed on his arm, which was about to touch the pot, and result in a severe burn since when I looked at the water, I saw it to be boiling. I instantly leaned forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt which I had forced him to put on, and pulled him close to myself. 

He stumbled and lost his balance slightly, getting pulled closer to me than I had intended but he caught himself.

"Y-your arm. It was gonna get... burnt," I stuttered while both of us breathed heavily. "Parker," I sighed. "You're not that bad, you're not bad at all for that matter. Sure, you could use a little improvement but we all could. You're great," I answered his question as best as I could, trying to get my point across.

"Thanks, for the arm and the answer." He gave me a small smile.

"You're welcome." I smiled back. "Now can I please get my spaghetti? Pronto!" I grabbed his shoulder, shaking him a little, making him laugh. 

He looked amazing when he was laughing and happy. He should wear his smile so much more often than he does. He has a breathtaking smile and I will never be able to get enough of it.

I'm calling it, I'm going to end up liking this boy. Soon. For god's sake, I think I'm already starting to like him. Starting. Remember that. There's a long way to go.

"Did you tell your mom that I'm staying the night?" I questioned while he put the spaghetti in two plates for the servings.

"I dropped her a text, she said it's perfectly okay." He gave me a look that screamed 'I told you so'.

"Well, I haven't told my mom, let me text her." I grabbed my phone, and dropped her a text, she replied immediately which meant she was probably on a coffee break and said it was fine and she appreciated me not risking burning the house down.

Dramatic much, mom? Probably not, honestly, I probably would burn the house down.

"Are you looking for a boyfriend, Carthy?" he asked out of nowhere, taking me by surprise. 

I almost choked on my spaghetti, not even kidding or exaggerating. "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged casually. 

Play it cool, Aubrey. Play it cool.

"What's your type?" he interrogated.

"Someone seems very interested in knowing," I teased. "Why are you asking me this?" I questioned.

"Just answer the question first, I'll give you my reasoning after that." he dodged it. 

Smooth, Parker. Smooth. Change the topic, smooth.

"Someone funny, initially attractive to me, supportive, has a good heart no matter what people think and how he acts, caring, entertaining, good taste in books and movies, hopefully, the same as me so we don't argue on what movie to watch, and someone who's just there for me. That's my checklist, why?" I explained but not before asking him for that reasoning he promised.

He awkwardly cleared his throat. "I think I know somebody that seems like a good match for you, that's all." he shrugged.

"Does this somebody have a name? Or a number?" I had to at least try and see if he would get jealous, it's an old trick in the books. Come on.

"Why are you suddenly so eager to know?" he questioned.

"What do you mean? You just told me you know a guy my type. Who?" I feigned excitement.

"Now that I think about it, he's not really your type, he doesn't like the same books and movies as you," he spoke hesitantly. 

Okay, Parker. Two can play this game. It takes two to tango honey.

"If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're getting jealous."






Someone's a little jealous :)

I fixed the spaghetti mistake :)

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