Erkenci Kus episode 8 recap

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1. The first truly heartbreaking beginning of this show... don't worry there will be plenty more episodes that will start with your heart being ripped out of your chest...just wait... Can and Sanem on the rocks talking. Can pours his heart out to Sanem convinced that Sanem loves him. Then Sanem completely rejects him...telling him to leave... her crying watching him go mirrored in his teary eyes as he walks away ... I HATE EMRE for this scene ...he caused this ...she could not even look him in the eyes when she said leave... it took her everything to say it and he could barely look at her when he left ... when Can walks away Sanem turns to see him leave. She wants to stop him but her lies stop her from doing heart hurts from this scene

2. Nihat and mivkebe discussing sanem jumping out the window... I never noticed this conversation before... Nihat says since Sanem was a child whenever something bad happened or she did something wrong she would escape from the window or the front door ... either way she runs... she always runs. We see this clearly with how she runs from her lies ...even if it hurts both of them... Can and Sanem both have that trait to leave, to run when it is hard to face.... I understand her a little more now... while I hate every hurtful word she says to Can she has to learn not to run and she does through this series... it also makes her fear of him leaving clearer to me because she knows when he will run because she would do the same

3. Mivkebe calls sanem crazy... nihat says shes just peculiar....MIvkebe has a hard time really understanding Sanem but they grow closer during the series

4. Sanem comes home in tears- MIvkbe seeing sanem crying really affects her because Sanem is usually this bubbly day dreamer darkness does not touch her...Mivkebe worried runs after her to know what is wrong and Sanem plays it off but the pressing causes her to break and she cries screaming heart hurts do I have tell you everything

5. Mivkebe is so worried she calls ayhan to talk to Sanem – ufff destroyed Sanem is hard to see ....

a. Sanem tells ayhan that Can realized she was in love with him and tried to make her admit it... And for a moment she thought he loved her too and she was ready to admit everything to him but thought how could he love her? ... Especially if she told him all the lies .... Ufff sanem I want to hug her. Sanem doesn't feel worthy of his love and so she thinks he could not love her..."this is only in fairytales and movies that this happens"... I can't blame Sanem for her insecurities. Who hasn't felt worthy of someone before. Sanem's insecurities plus her family constantly telling her she isn't worthy of him too...I want to hug and punch sanem all at the same time for what she did to Can at those rocks

b. Sanem tells ayhan, she treated Can badly... at least she knows it.... I guess... but I am still a little annoyed at her for yelling that she doesn't want him and for him to leave her alone

c. "He said I will never see his face again- how will I live without ever seeing his face again"

d. Sanem begs, "Tell me how to forget him please" ....Ayhan: "Love him from afar focus on albatross." Sanem looks as if she could care less about albatross... then Sanem says you're right... "you cant love someone and call them "bey" right? " Meaning they are formal with each other and he is her boss shouldn't be anything more ... She stares at that albatross poster and all I see is her thinking about Can

6. Can can't go home after the rocks. He instead goes to the dock where they spoke about her dreams and thinks about her all night...he stares at the stars by the water the same way he did after the albatross kiss but that time he was filled with hope and needing to find her, now his look is defeated, confused and hurt.

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