*what the heck am I talking about? - a glossary if you will

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Sometimes in my recaps you may see something whether a name, a reference to a situation, or a turkish word that has you scratching your head....I hope this helps

feel free to comment on a term i have yet to define and I will add it to the glossary ;) i get it not everyone is in my brain...I mean its a weird strange party so you're missing out

I am not saying everything here is a true definition of the individual or reference but it explains my thought process and context to some references... 

Ayse: Ayse was the original writer of Erkenci Kus. She lead the foundation of the show....and instilling in it the magic of legend and myth. She is a relatively new writer and as a result when the Erkenci Kus season was extended past 13 episodes as its original plan she left the show and they replaced her after 17 or so episodes with a writer Asli and her sister.... Ayse later returns to write from episode 39-46 of the series. I love her she is a fantastic writer that uses subtlety and legend to deepen the story and magic...needless to say I have a writers crush on her

Asli: Asli - the writer that took over ek around episode 17/18 and was there until episode 38.....she had a very different approach to the story...and lets just say did not get a long with the fandom. Asli had a different perspective in writing than Ayse...and as the audience we felt the shift when she came....of course there is more drama that ensued which lead to her telling the fandom on social - if you dont like my writing dont watch it... which led us down the blame Asli for everything that goes wrong with ek - i would say it is equivalent to when Barak Obama was president- anytime something went wrong the funny phrase to ease the tension would be - Thanks Obama... but i digress

CY: whenever I write cy I am referring to Can Yaman the actor who plays Can Divit...it's easier to say cy than have to say every time which Can you are talking about...Yaman vs Divit

Cucumber : In Turkish... hiyar is slang - it references a cucumber but it really means...excuse my Turkish ;) ....a Dickhead...but the translations of these shows don't always translate well...especially the nuances of slang ....so the translator in episode 21 said that Can called Fabri a cucumber lol...in the ek group we found this so hilarious we continued using the word cucumber whenever someone was being a dick on the show

EK: erkenci kus....i Know thats pretty basic but hey ya never know who stumbles upon this and is getting thrown into the world of Turkish tv

Dizi : this is the turkish name for a soap opera telanovella type show- they can be a drama, romantic comedy, or action... but be warned romantic comedies can tear your heart out... some of the saddest Dizis I have watched have been romcoms...and I sit there balling saying to the tv...this is a romcom?!...then I watched the dramas and understood lol ...a romcom in turkey is equivalent to a This is Us in america... so ya the Dramas? they broke me at minute 2 of the first episode... and I wish I was joking ....one word...Kuzgun....look this dizi up and you'll understand

The Erkenci Kus for English Speakers Group on FB:  a closed group on FB where thousands of people around the world talk erkenci kus and just about life in general... it is amazing and created a whole community for the fandom...see #pleasespy for more details

The Spy /#pleasespy: I am a part of a private group called Erkenci Kus for English speakers... in that group there was a spy from production who would bring our ideas or our discussions to the writers... this was evident by our plots being used, our style request changing the looks- for good or bad lol... We got noticed because the actor who played Fabri was originally in the group and let production know about us.... and so to make it easy for the spy I started to do #pleasespy posts in the group every week and others started to use the #pleasespy as way to reach the writers.... and they listened A LOT ...but also sometimes they didnt ...for the record we were not to blame for the selling of the perfume or any other plot that had us go down the endless pit of despair....

The EK Detectives: A group of members of the erkenci kus fandom who find proof for behind the scenes speculations, Can and Demet secret relationship, plot speculations etc Main purpose to check if rumors are fact or fiction... proud member since summer 2018 ;) 

The Otters or Otter Love: Ceycey and Ayhan I refer to a lot as the 'otters'. When Ceycey tries to tell Ayhan he is in love with her he tells her about otters. Otters hold the hand of their mate and travel down the river together, hand in hand. Ceycey tells Ayhan he wants to be her otter. This is one of the sweetest love confessions I have ever seen or heard about in my entire life and I will always refer to them and true love as "Otter Love."

Sistering: a phrase or term my father uses to describe the ups and downs, the love and not so love, the funny and the frustrating that encompasses a sisters relationship.... the moments where you could be fighting with your sister and one of you says something funny and you both start laughing... or on the other side - you are play fighting and one move gone wrong and you are full on wrestling... ahh the world of sistering...its weird, fun, frustrating, and lovely all in one

The story of Orion and Artemus: not the ek version ...one of the stories of Orion's death that was the basis for the ek story-  Apollo, being jealous of Orion's love for Artemis, which might even have made her willing to marry him, arranged for her to kill him. Seeing Orion swimming in the ocean, a long way off, he said that Artemis could not possibly hit that black thing in the water. Feeling challenged, she sent an arrow right through it and killed Orion; when his body washed up on shore, she wept copiously, and decided to place Orion among the stars

Kalas : this is an expression literally meaning a piece of wood...aka a stubborn oak of a person, a brute...nothing gets through to them but their own thoughts 

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