my saviour.

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Scott let out a sad sigh and sat onto his bed.

"Really?" Scott looked up to Lydia with sadness filled eyes, Lydia felt horrible for having to say this to Scott.

Lydia sat next to Scott and hugged him, "Yeah." She whispered.

"This can't be happening. It can't! Lydia it can't!" Scott screamed through tears, "He can't be dying. He can't die!"

"I know, but-- Scott, I felt it. I've felt it before, and when have I been wrong? Maybe this time someone can do something about it." Lydia said as tears began cascading down her soft features.

+ + +

Derek slowly ran through the Beacon Hills Preserve not aware of where his wolf was taking him. He kept obeying his wolf, letting it take him wherever it wanted to go. That when he realized where he was headed: The Stilinski Household.

'Nope. No. no.' Derek thought as he stopped and walked back the way he had came; disobeying his wolf's orders.

'C'mon Derek!!! Please???' His wolf whined.

'No.' Derek sternly said.

'You know you want to' His wolf teased.

'No I don't!' Derek replied angry.

'Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?' His wolf nagged.

'UGH! Fine! Only for a few minutes.' Derek replied obviously annoyed.

Both Derek and his wolf knew he'd stay longer than that.

+ + +

"Derek? What are you doing here?" Stiles asked as he opened the door.

"I just wanted to see you-- I mean see how you were." Derek stuttered.

Stiles was shocked. Derek Hale, the same dark, brooding i-don't-care-about-anyone Derek Hale was not only coming to see how Stiles was but he was now stuttering.

What's next, a flying giraffe? Stiles sarcastically thought.

Derek pushed past Stiles and made his way into the kitchen and started making two cups of coffee. Stiles still stood at the door wide open, still in utter shock and surprise. Once he came back to reality, he followed Derek to the kitchen and awkwardly sat on one of the three wooden stools.

"Whatcha doing?" Stiles asked Derek as he rummaged through the pantry obviously looking for something.

"I'm looking for the sugar." Derek replied.

Stiles chuckled, "You mean this sugar?" Stiles held up the sugar that was sitting on the counter. Derek walked out of the pantry awkwardly, grabbed the sugar and said, "Yes, that sugar." Stiles laughed. He hadn't laughed like that in a long time.

+ + +

That same night:

Stiles screamed himself awake. He realized everything that just happened, didn't actually happen, it was a dream. He dreamed about Derek, but why, he thought.

This was becoming a regular thing. He didn't know exactly why; he knew it had something to do with the whole Nogitsune-possession-Allison-and-Aiden-dying thing, but he didn't know exactly why.

In that moment he realized. He realized what his biggest fear was & he now knew why he was so scared all the time. And he realized what he lacked, what he needed. He lacked friends, family and most of all he lacked Derek.

He loved him, and not one of those teenage crushes, or obsessions. It was true love he knew that now.

+ + +

The next day:

Derek frantically ran up the stairs of the Stilinski house. He knew something was wrong. He just knew.

He was somehow attracted to the skinny, pale, defenseless Stiles. He didn't know why or when this even happened he just knew what he felt. None of it made sense.

"Stiles?" Derek called as he ran from room to room looking for the Stilinski teen.

"Stiles!" Derek screamed. He stopped at Stiles bedroom door, sensing something...horrible.

He slowly opened the door to the teen's room he'd been searching for.

Derek slowly walked to the en-suite, where he saw Stiles sitting in the bathtub with the water on, facing Derek holding a razor blade, to his wrist; droplets of blood seeped past the blade, down Stiles' arm, and on the ceramic floor of the bathtub.

He looked up to Derek, but what Derek saw he didn't expect; when he looked into Stiles' eyes, Derek saw all the moments and people Stiles was seeing in his own mind. The things Stiles saw, which therefore Derek saw were horrifying. No wonder Stiles was depressed. Stiles was seeing everything that happened with the Nogitsune, Allison's death, Aiden's death, everything.

Then Stiles' eyes glazed over. His eyes were no longer warm, kind, and inviting, now they were cold, dark and scary. They terrified Derek.

Derek's wolf was howling like crazy; it knew something was no right, it just knew.

"You can't save me this time." Stiles said, monotonously. He raised his hand from his wrist to his throat super fast, too fast. Before Derek knew it he was screaming and running towards Stiles. Stiles jerked backwards with the sudden shock. Blood gushed from his throat wound. Derek rushed to Stiles.

Then Derek realized. None of that had actually happened. He imagined it. Stiles was still alive, sitting in the bath tub.

Derek was still by the door. Nothing has actually happened.

'Don't do that again.' Derek warned his wolf.

"Stiles, please. You don't need to do this. You don't. you have us. You have me, Scott, Lydia. We love you. You'll get through this." Derek explained, flashing back to his own childhood. He shook those memories away. Stiles saw tears in Derek's eyes.

"How do you know?" Stiles said, tears forming in his own.

"Because I know what you're going through. I understand." Derek replied, moving slowly towards Stiles. He sat next to the bath and looked into Stiles' eyes.

"You'll be okay. I'll help you." Derek replied.

Stiles looked into Derek's eyes and saw something he'd never seen before; he saw sadness, worry, a lot of emotions that Stiles was not familiar with.

Stiles jumped out of the bathtub and hugged Derek, tears streaming down his face. Without Stiles realizing, Derek took the blade from his grip.

The two sat together, tangled in each other's embrace for a long time, neither knew how long. Neither of them were in a hurry to move. They were comforted by each other.


A/N: Wow that was hectic huh.

I'm sorry I probably scared the shit out of you. It just kind of happened.


Anyway, I hope you like his chapter. I had no idea where the holy Hale [geddit] I'm going but I have an idea what's going to happen. Be prepared guys.

I'm a horrible person!

If you read all this, thank you, I appreciate it.

And please comment and vote. I love getting new ideas or to change something.

You can also request what you would like to see happen and I'll make it happen best I can.

Thank you again, xx Z.

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