"Chi— what?" Thea rolled her eyes.

"A chimera." The two middle-aged men exchanged bewildered glances. "You know, a creature with a mixture of two or more genetic makeups?"

They both shot her baffled looks.

"Don't you guys read Greek mythology?" She shook her head at their ignorance. "I thought you guys were hunters."

"We are— we just.." Sam looked between his brother and the girl. "We've never come across... a chimera before.."

"Yeah, let alone a frickin' werecoyote. I didn't even know those were a thing."

The teen stared at the men in disbelief. How could they not know these simple things? They're hunters and they were obviously very experienced. So how was it that they didn't know that werewolves had these traits, or that werecoyotes and chimeras existed. She decided to test their knowledge of the supernatural further.

"What do you guys know about werewolves?"

"We know that they wolf out during the full moon." Thea nodded, confirming that fact to be true. "And that they like to rip people's hearts out and eat them."

She blinked at that statement before shaking her head, absolutely baffled.

"Come again?"

"You heard me." Dean stared hard at the road ahead, obviously not liking the thought of such monsters, let alone having one sit in the backseat of his car.

"No, you're wrong." Sam just smiled sadly at her as she defended her kind. "We don't do that."

"Yeah, you do." Dean's voice was tight, angry. "You're monsters, of course you do."

The she wolf's jaw clenched at his claim, a vibrant glow slowly appeared in her eyes, catching the attention of Sam. He slowly scooted away from the girl, pressing his body closer to the car door beside him.

"No, we don't. We eat normal food just like any other human being."

"'Human being'." The hunter guffawed, his laughter dry and cold. His eyes remained on the road. "Well, I don't know what world you come from, but the werewolves here are anything but human."

The color in her eyes disappeared as she began to think on his words. She thought about the clear differences between their definitions of werewolves, their lack of knowledge of werecoyotes and chimeras, the strange familiarity of their first names. Her eyes narrowed at the thought of their names.

"Your names are Sam and Dean, right?"

Sam hesitantly nodded, unsure as to why she asked. "Yeah, why?"

She hesitated. "What about your last names?"

"It's Winchester." Thea's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, her heart pounded against her ribcage as it all clicked in her mind.

"So, you're Sam and Dean Win—" she cut herself off with a breathless laugh, almost not believing what was real and right in front of her- "Sam and Dean Winchester."

The brunette pinched the bridge of her nose, a deep frown settled onto her lips. Sam turned in his seat, unsettled by her agitated behavior.

"What? What is it?" His voice was soft, calming.

She just repeated their names quietly, sucking in a large breath. "Sam and Dean Winchester. Like those two characters from that one old ass TV show?"

"What?" The brothers looked back at her, befuddled. Then, Sam's face turned to one of realization. "Was it called Supernatural?"

Thea confirmed their suspicions with a small nod of her head. She had heard of the show, but she had never seen it; it was way before her time. If she were really in the show, then...

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