Chapter 54: LA

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The only time I went to Los Angeles, it was for my book tour last summer and I loved it. I loved the constant sun that warmed every piece of my skin and made me feel fuzzy inside. I loved knowing I wouldn't have to worry about bringing a coat or an umbrella just in case it was cold or rained. And I loved what it did to Ben. He kept wearing those white t-shirts and denim shorts along with his baseball cap, usually backwards. The sun colored his skin in the most delicious shade of golden brown that made me want to lick and kiss his neck even if we weren't in a good place back then. I drooled over the pictures he took of him and Ophelia at the beach and wished to be able to touch his toned skin so many times I couldn't count anymore. Imagining that we could do that any day we want makes my heart scream with joy. So many ideas of what we could do if we move to LA popped into my mind and made me excited about the idea.

When I first got the offer from the publishing house, I pushed it aside without giving it more thought. It's when Janet refused my book that I went back to it. I called the agent who had e-mailed me to see how serious they were about publishing anything I write next, and, when he assured me that my next book would hit stores, I knew I had to switch companies. I know it's a lot to ask for Ben; his career really took off this season with the Islanders, and his friendship with Nathan profited them both greatly, but I know he knows it wouldn't have lasted forever anyway. Hockey is unpredictable, anything can happen at any time. The offer Ben got from the Kings is proof of that. I know it isn't considered a good offer, but it's still a huge amount of money for throwing a puck into a net. Ben would scowl at me for saying that. I know how much work he puts in, all the – really – early mornings, the time spent away from home, all the possible injuries, and the public image they need to maintain, but still. There's a guy on Ben's team, the captain, who earns over six million per year. For playing hockey! He doesn't save lives or change to world; he skates for a living. In my opinion, the 550 000$ Ben will earn next year is plenty. I know it's a step down for him. He earned more this year as a rookie. But he accepted the offer, for me. We'll move to LA after this season is over, He still hasn't signed anything, we're hoping the offer will get better the further the Islanders get in the playoffs. For now, we're crossing our fingers, that the team wins their fourth game against the North Carolina Hurricanes to level the score at 2-2. If they win the second round of the playoffs, they will head to the conference final, making them one step closer to playing for the Stanley Cup.

It's not that I don't feel bad about making us move to LA because I do. I mean, I love New York. It's the city that gave me the most in every aspect of my life: it's where I got my first chance as an author, where Ben and I reconnected, where I raised Ophelia, and where I saw Ben get to know his daughter. I fell in love with New York faster than I fell in love with Ben which is saying something when I knew I loved him two weeks after starting to see him and I told him a month after we went on our first date. I am also very aware that Ben loves New York as much as me and that considering leaving is hard for him, but we talked about it, argued about it, made lists of pros and cons, took time to think about it on our own, and we came to the conclusion that we should make the move. We started googling apartments in family-friendly neighborhoods that are still relatively close to the Staples Center which is where the Kings play.

"I never thought I would say that but living in LA might be more expensive than living in New York," I tell him as we are spending our third night in a row on realty websites. In New York, the apartment I rented in Manhattan costed me a little over 2000$ a month and Ben's house was around three-thousand dollars, but, so far, the apartments we are looking at are all over four thousand.

"Look at that one, Olympic By Windsor," he chuckles as he winks at me. I have to admit it's kind of funny. "Two bedrooms, it's modern, close to the arena and below our budget." He's right, it's a very nice apartment, but, at 3300$ per month, it' still pretty expensive. I hate knowing we'll have to rent an apartment without looking at it in person, just like we did before moving to Windsor. Back then, we couldn't afford making the trip, but now we just don't have the time. We can't take a week or two off to go apartment hunting in California. Well Ben can't; I can write anywhere. And, since we want to choose one together, our only option is to do it online.

"Don't you think it's expensive compared to what we pay now?" He shrugs without raising his eyes from the screen.

"Not that much. Considering that you don't want to look at houses for rent that would be cheaper." I roll my eyes, not that again. I told him a few days ago I would prefer renting an apartment than a house. I didn't really explain myself though because I was certain he would try to change my mind, telling me that we would never have what we had in New York again anyway.

"Ok, I'll tell you the real reason why I want an apartment but promise you won't laugh." He finally tears his eyes away from the computer to look at me. He nods, his eyes suddenly wide. I take a deep breath to muster up the courage I still need to be this vulnerable with him.

"I don't want a house because I know it won't be like this one and I imagined so much happening in this house and I don't want it to happen in any other house. And I know it's stupid, you don't need to tell me." It's my turn to focus on the screen and start scrolling compulsively. We stay silent for a minute or two as I read the description of a way too expensive studio in Downtown LA.

"That's actually very sweet, El. But if you love this house so much, why do you want to move so badly? I'm not going back on my word; we'll move if that's what's best for you. I just wish I understood why more." I am honestly taken aback by his question. It's a lot gentler than usual where we would attack one another.

"I just don't want anyone to tell me what to write and Janet is telling me specifically what to write: a story about you that she knows will sell just because you're famous. I don't like that she's playing with us like that." It contradicts what I did with my first book, I know that. But it was different, I chose to write it the way I did, I chose which elements of our lives I included, how I told the story, and Janet took that away when she forced me to include some elements in my sequel. I love the book that I wrote as a sequel, but I am not ready to publish it and I needed Janet to understand and she didn't.

"Ok," he says simply. I love the new Ben who doesn't always question everything. I know moving to LA isn't pleasing him, but the fact that he agreed to for me shows me how much he has changed, and it makes me fall even harder for him. I once said that I would do anything for this man and now I know he would do the same for me. "Can I read the new one too?" he asks, a soft smile playing on his lips. I reach for the manuscript in my bag and hand it to him.

"It'll give you something to read on your trip next week." Ben is leaving for two weeks for several away games. It'll be hard because I'll have to do a lot of the planning for our move on my own, but I knew that's what I was getting myself into and I don't mind knowing he'll have to leave anymore. It became a part of our relationship instead of being an obstacle and I am proud of us for accomplishing that. 

We are getting closer and closer to the end and it makes me kind of sad! I think I'll miss Ben and Eleanor as funny as this might sound! Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope you know how much it means to me to see the love you keep showing me xx 

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