Chapter 30: Tracy and Hannah

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"What do you think of this Tracy chick?" Hannah asks me as we walk into a coffeeshop near my apartment building. It's been two days since we went to see the game together. We hadn't seen or talk to each other because of work and other engagements. Hannah seemed a little distant after the game. I have no idea why, and she keeps saying she had a good time, so I don't see what would make her upset. Ben left last night for New Jersey and is only coming back in four days for his next home game against the New York Rangers. Nathan, Tracy's husband, told Ben to tell me that Tracy wanted my number. I told Ben to give it to Nathan, and Tracy and I have been texting on and off since this morning. We agreed to go to the game against the Rangers together and she even wants me to swing by her place with Ophelia for a play date with her two boys.

"She's nice. And she's the first person I meet who really understands what I am going through with hockey. I think it'll be nice to have someone to talk to about this kind of things," I answer, raising my shoulders. We sit at a table near the window that has enough room on both sides for me to store the stroller without it being disturbing for the waitresses or the other costumers.

"You're seeing her soon?" She sounds alarmed. I nod and resume the situation. "I don't think you should go by yourself," she states.

"Why?" I can't help but laugh. "What do you think she'll do? She's a thirty-year-old stay-at-home mom." I know that because I googled her. I'm not proud of it, but I couldn't help myself. I started by googling her husband and it led me to her social media profiles. I think I must have spent an hour on her Instagram. That woman's life looks absolutely perfect with all the pictures of her sons, Bennett and Jacob, on trips all around the world and the videos of hockey games she records. I know it's just for show and that she uses her husband's fame to get sponsorships with brands, but still. Sometimes, I wish I lived on Instagram and that there would only be positive things in my life. My daughter would always look cute, never have any tantrums, always ate what is on her plate, and never cry for hours because she doesn't want to sleep.

"You don't even know her," Hannah argues. She hasn't lost the panic in her voice. I really don't understand why she is reacting this way.

"You never know anyone unless you spend time with them, Han. It's just a playdate in her huge backyard with the infinity pool and the water slide, calm down. Let's change the subject, shall we?" Right on cue, the waitress stops by our table to take our order. I order an americano with a blueberry muffin that I'll share with Ophelia and Hannah orders a caramel latte.

"How did Ben's night with Oph go?" my friend asks a few minutes later. The day after the game against the Flyers, Ophelia spent a night at Ben's hotel with him. I can't say that leaving her didn't break my heart a little, but the smile on Ben's face when he opened the door made my doubts go away. Even if I had to pick her up really early because of a practice, I didn't mind. It made my time alone less painful since I didn't have to go through the day without my daughter.

"Good. They didn't have time to do much, but Ben was happy," I answer with a smile as I remember his face when he told me how their night went.

"And Ophelia wasn't hurt," she casually says before taking a sip of her coffee. "May I steal a bite from your muffin? I'm hungry." She reaches for the muffin before I have the chance to say anything.

"Why would Ophelia be hurt?" She shrugs.

"You never know with men," she answers, looking up at me. She stares at me and something changes in her eyes. They go from hard to soft as her pupils dilate. "I didn't imply that Ben would hurt Ophelia, but men are known to be reckless sometimes and it's not having children that changes that." Wow. Now I'm angry.

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