Eira frowned as she heard all the information. She felt bad that Jackson lost his parents and he never even got to meet them.

Mr. Harris started to pack up things so everyone else did, too, but the teacher laughed, "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re - shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

And Mr. Harris left, leaving them to re-shelve what looked like hundreds of books. Eira sighed. This would be a long evening.

Scott returned when they were in the middle of re-shelving. Scott joined Allison and Stiles; she could hear them talking and no doubt filling in the werewolf on what he missed. Eira had taken an aisle with Erica, wanting to go quicker and get this done.

Matt and Jackson had taken the aisle next to them. Eira pulled a book out of the cart, seeing its title, and realizing it wouldn't go in this aisle. The books were all scattered in the carts so she groaned and walked over to the next aisle.

But she found Matt lying on the floor with a slice on his neck and Jackson, half-turned into the Kanima, was standing over the top of him. His slitted eyes found its focus on her and she stumbled backwards. But it was suddenly in front of her and like in the parking lot, it studied her, turning its head curiously at her.

She couldn't breath and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Scott who had frozen in place as well. But then his eyes glowed golden, yellow and he growled, charging at Jackson.

But Jackson only turned and grabbed Scott before throwing him through the air and into a cart. Then Jackson leaped on top of the bookshelves and too fast for her eyes to see, jumped across from one to the other.

"Erica!" Scott called, knowing she was the only one that could help him fight Jackson.

But Erica wasn't tuned into her werewolf senses quite yet and Jackson was able to sneak up behind her and slice a small cut in the back of her neck. She dropped to the ground, paralyzed.

Jackson then walked to a chalkboard and wrote on it. It said, Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.

Jackson then disappeared quickly, breaking through the ceiling of the library. Eira ran to Erica as she saw the werewolf was seizing. "Guys, she's having a seizure."

Eira put her on her side and held her there as Stiles and Scott knelt down next to them. Allison checked on Matt.

"He's alive," Allison called out.

"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital," Stiles said.

"Derek - only to Derek," Erica demanded.

"When we get her to the hospital..." Scott started to say.

"To Derek. To Derek," Erica interrupted as she repeated.

"Go," Allison said. "Stiles can't take her alone. Not like this. And Matt - I've got to call an ambulance for him, just go."

"Scott, a hospital won't be able to help her," Eira said, bringing his worried stare away from Allison. "We have to take her to Derek."

"O-Okay," Scott looked at Allison one more time before he picked Erica up and carried out of the library with her and Stiles following.

Eira was in the backseat of Stiles' Jeep with Erica. The werewolf leaned against her, resting her head on her shoulder and Eira held the girl's hand as she saw her face scrunch in pain. "It's going to be okay, Erica."


They arrived at Derek's hideout; an abandoned subway station. They quickly carried Erica to Derek, laying her down in one of the subway cars.

"Hold her up," Derek said and Stiles grabbed Erica, holding her up.

"Is she dying?" Stiles questioned.

"She might, I..." Derek looked like he almost didn't know what to do before took a deep breath. "...which is why this is gonna hurt.

Erica screamed in pain as Stiles shouted, "You broke her arm!"

"It'll trigger the healing process," Derek explained. "I still gotta get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt."

Derek sunk his claws into Erica's arm, making blood pour out, and she screamed louder before all the pain exhausted her and she tiredly said, "Stiles...you make a good Batman."

Then she passed out.


The venom was out of Erica's system and now all she had to do was rest and recover her strength. Stiles was still holding her and she watched over Erica while Scott followed Derek out of the subway car.

Once Scott came back in, she left the subway car to see Derek. Scott gave her a questioning glance but she ignored it. She walked over to Derek who was sitting on top of a wooden chest and he had a thoughtful look on his face before he slightly smiled and looked over at her, sensing her coming, "Eira."

"We need to talk," Eira tucked a piece of hair behind her ear before she crossed her arms across her chest.

"About what?" Derek's smile grew wider before it turned into a smirk. "About how you think the world of me?"

She blushed, her cheeks turning a scarlet red and she tilted her head down in embarrassment, before she responded without meeting his eyes, "I do."

"Then I can't let you down, can I?"

Eira tilted her head up, finding him right in front of her now and it made her nervous. He had a serious look on his face, all teasing gone, and it surprised her by how much he meant his words.

"You could," she frowned.

"But I won't," and his three words put a wide smile on her face.

AN: I'm thinking of doing a love triangle. I don't really know. I just know that nothing is happening between Eira and whoever until season 3B so ya'll gonna be waiting awhile.

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