A flame ignites

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Days passed with Jason still unconscious, but recovering and stable. Jason woke upto children laughing, and for a second thought he was a goner for sure. He opened his eyes slightly to see a familiar face and two small ones clearly related. It was Riley. A groan escaped Jason's lips as he tried to lift his head, his entire body was protesting against even the slightest movement.

"Wha..at happnd?" Jason finally managed to ask.

"Hey, well you were pretty banged up kic, but you are okay now, you are in the hospital" replied Riley with a smile Jason had never seen before.

"why...are you here?" Jason finally asked the burning question

"Well...since you saved my life I owed you one, and the police department also wanted to ensure you were okay..." Riley said, slightly embarrassed about the drastic change of heart.

"Ohh...okay...well you don't have to be...you know I didn't really do it for you..." Jason felt going slightly red himself. He had cared and he had did it for Riley's kids, but he could not admit that.

Riley dug through his bag that was resting peacefully on the counter, and drew out brochure and some booklet.

"Kid, while you are here, the Captain...and I wanted you to look through something. Don't worry about any expenses related to it, we got it covered. Just thing about it" He handed Jason the pile and excused himself to take his kids home.

Jason looked down. It was a brochure for police academy. Jason was shocked, of all the things, he had never considered being a cop, but then again, he had really quite stopped thinking about a better life in general. He had been focused only on surviving. A small light of excitement glowed in his heart. Maybe, just maybe?

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