The Deadly Dance begins

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"Yea, he is overdue on his freakin retirement if you ask me". Jason said while keeping his voice still out of reach of the detective

"why, what did he do? Throw you in jail" Said the man with an increased interest.

" something like that.."

Jason could not help but think back to when he first started hating the man. It was his first major offense on account of trying to protect his friend. Jason had hoped that the cop would realize eventually that Jason had no intentions to steal a car; he was in fact returning it. The detective simply looked at the situation and decided to write him off with Jason protesting the entire time. What made it worse was that Jason got a beating on his first night in the hold up and requested the detective to move him to another unit because he knew some of the people where he was, and not in a good context. He still remembered what the detective said to him that day:

" Well kid, you do the time if you do the crime...and besides, you live on the streets, I am sure you can take a beating. It is not going to get any better than this so might as well toughen up!"

Jason had met many different people in his life, and after his father's death, he was forced to see the ugly side of them all more than before. He was alone and use to being talked down, left and roughed up; but for some reason he had expected more out of a blue suit. Maybe it was because he had no parents to push the detective and create a scene, maybe it was because the detective truly believed that his place was besides the arsonists and rapists. That day Jason felt a hit that made him almost give up on himself, had it not been for the state appointed defense attorney Sarah.

She had come in a day after the incident and seen his jagged up face. She immediately responded with concern and pushed to have Jason moved out from the Jail and into the holding cells until the case was resolved. She was well known amongst the inmates, not only because she was a looker, but also because she was known to be soft. Jason did started playing her by bringing in his tragic life stories and gaining her sympathies; but soon he started to realize that she was seeing through his tactics. She was smart and perhaps she was the one wrapping others in her persona she had built that made underage boys drop their walls and be vulnerable. Slowly, Jason showing her the real side of him and the real incident started to unfold. In the end, she had gotten him out, and the charges were dropped when the truth was revealed. She had even managed to keep her promise and not incarcerate Jason's friend who had stolen a car out of desperation.

Thinking of her made Jason hopeful again, knowing that he could once again seek her assistance, but he was reluctant too, mainly because he was a bit guiltier this time.

Jason looked back at the man who had clearly now lost interest while Jason was lost in thought. He doesn't need to know my story. Thought Jason, getting a bit more curious himself about the daunting man who seemed dressed quite white collar but was too calm in a police station to not be a criminal. Besides, the man kept checking his expensive watch as if he had plans to be somewhere else. Jason wanted to know his story but his instincts strongly advised against it, trusted nothing more than his instincts, and stayed quiet.

At a good time too because the detective came back.

" Okay, so you know the drill, tell me what happened and don't give the bull about finding wallets! Don't waste my time and yours"

Jason rolled his eyes noticeably and was about to talk when the detectives phone rang. Jason let out a frustrated sigh. He almost did what to get over with this. He wanted to make his one call he had not taken yet. He opened his mouth to say so when he heard the change in the detective's voice:

"Hey kiddo, yes daddy will be home I promise. Yes I got your yellow toy car, I promise I will bring it today so don't worry mom okay? Have dinner and do go to bed when mom says, if you do you will wake up and the car will be there next to your pillow but only if you are a good boy..okay? ..Yes, ...really...I love you too kiddo. See you soon!"

Jason stared at the detective completely flabbergasted. Now that he looked around, the detective did have family photo on his desk. The man had a family! Jason could not believe it, he had thought the detective to be a loner, and appointed that as his reason for the bitterness.

Jason could not figure if he resented the person more or less after knowing that he had a family, and a son, that he cared for and treated with kindness. It was disturbing to Jason to know that the man he had parked as a bastard actually had a heart. But it is only for his family I guess, the rest of us are trash to him. Thought Jason quickly shaking of his momentary lapse of reality.

" So, you got a kid?" Said Jason, beside himself, and regretted immediately while receiving a death stare from the detective.

Jason went on to tell his story, which the detective disputed mostly. As a result, Jason was in that chair for a while and could not help as his gaze diverted to the man on the left. His behavior had somehow changed. Jason could not put his finger on it yet. The man kept checking his watch with more frequency than before and running his eyes around the room as if studying or waiting for something. It looked like the man's handcuffs had come either loose or completely off. The man was also getting a bit more alert and had started slightly smiling. The most disconcerting part was that there had not been a detective asking him anything for over an hour.

Observing the tattooed man, Jason almost lost focus on his own interview.

Then it all happened. It was horrendously quick, but Jason was able to follow what was going on. To him it felt like he was watching a carefully choreographed dance. The doors had been shut, police officers over powered, guns taken and turned on the officers in their own home ground. Shutters went down and the hall felt silent at the threat of the guns held by seven men, with four wearing the same blue as the ones that lay near their feet, fearing for their lives. The 13 district was took over almost without a fight and the orchestrator stood to his left a few steps away with his large built and tattooed arms.

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