Stronger than hate

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Detective Riley was forced by one of the men to lie face down at gunpoint. Jason, obediently followed. The show starred the tattooed man as he stood in the center with a sinister smile on his face and the police captain, Sara on her knees with a gun to her head. Fear was clear in her eyes but she still managed to hold up her head high and was resilient. She was a tough captain.

"You still have a chance to shut this down Rafael, no one has been hurt yet. This is a police station; do you really think you will get away with this?" asked Captain Sara Shannon of the tattooed man with as much assertiveness she could manage.

"I am flattered you know who I am captain; but if you know who I am then you know what kind of jobs I usually do. More of an in and out jobs I assure you. The real question you should ask is: who is on my target list today?" Said the tattooed man, Rafael, as he bent down to talk to the captain on eye level. He had a rather intimidating posture and it was working. His mouth twisted up when the captain looked away from Rafael's death stare.

The other detectives stared helplessly at their captain as they stared helplessly at their captain while digging through their minds for a way out of this situation. Jason was on the other side, away from the detectives, with a few other innocent bystanders. Jason had seen guns and terrifying men, but this seemed different. There was a sophisticated madness to the man called Rafael. It made Jason fear for everyone's lives. Even detective Riley.

"Bring the detective here... fortunately Captain you are not on the top of the list today. Many people do not enjoy their jobs, but I do. I put a lot of effort into it" A twisted smile formed across Rafael's face.

Detective Riley was dragged to the front, near the captain. The fear in his eyes reflected in his captain's eyes, as they both tried to contain it.

"I have been advised to send a strong message to all of you today, and the message my dear fellows is that you are indeed powerless and you have should let the war end with this final act. An eye for an eye."

Rafael raised his gun as Riley tried to sit up. They were almost opposite Jason, only with a table in the middle. Jason moved back out of fear of what he was about to witness, but his hand slid and pushed a chair with a noise that was a bomb in the dead silence of the room. Almost all eyes drew towards Jason, including Rafael. He started at Jason for a bit too long for the magnitude of the commotion or the value of the instigator. Suddenly, Rafael's lips formed a crooked smile at the thought of his concocted scheme.

" You boy, come here." Rafael's command was almost uncomprehendable for Jason in his current state. It was only after it was repeated that Jason followed and slowly moved near the detective and the dangerous man holding a gun to his head.

"You hate this guy right? You also thinks he deserves to die...right?" Rafael said, not waiting for an actual answer.

"I will give you a chance to get back at him...shoot" 

Jason looked at the gun in the man's outstretched hands and then stared at the man himself. All he could manage was a slight shake of his head

"Let me make it easier for you, you shoot him...or I shoot you. How about that? Easy choice now isn't it?"

Jason mouth went dry. It should be an easy choice. Thought Jason. He knew the choice he would make but his shaking nerves and his wavering mind were fighting against every fibre of his morals.

Rafael was growing impatient and he repeated his options.

"Take the gun and just shoot him...its that easy".

"No...I can't" Words came out of Jason's mouth before his mind could muster up strength to process possible consequences.

"You ...can't? I told you just take the gun and press this ..." Rafael was growing impatient. Clearly he had believed that the choice he had put forth would make it easy for Jason to take the gun and shoot.

"No...I ...won't" Said Jason with a bit more conviction.

"You...won't?" Rafael almost laughed as he repeated Jason's word. His laughter echoed in the room as everyone held their breaths, watching the spectator unfold.

"Kid...I said, you shoot him...or I shoot you!" Rafael moved his gun to point at Jason, just to make it clear what his options were.

"I won't...kill" Said Jason, realizing truly what taking that shot would mean.

"Then you are okay with dying? Not only dying...but dying for him, because that is what will happen if you don't shoot him. I shoot you, and you end up dying because you did not shoot him" Rafael said as if explaining to a child, because it utterly confused him why the kid would refuse to do what he asked. It did not make sense.

Jason still did not respond and had a face content with his last statement, even though his eyes still screamed in fear.

"Why ...would you die for this man? You hate him don't you?" Rafael question rang of almost innocent inquery of a child that did not understand a concept.

" My father was killed by a man on the street, that man became a monster to me. I don't want to be that Monster to his kids..." Jason finally managed to put forth his thoughts into coherent words. It did not please Rafael, but managed to shock the detective who simply stared at Jason in awe. Riley had expected to be shot by now. He was sure that with the options given to Jason, it would not take long to end his life. However, here was this kid, staring with his frightened eyes at a devil, refusing to do his bidding.

Rafael almost forgot the detective and started to move towards Jason. He was losing patience with this, things needed to go according to his plans and expectations. Right now, his expectation was that the Kid would shoot the detective and appreciate the perfect opportunity he created for him.

The fury rising in Rafael's eyes was evident, but so was the resolve in Jason's eyes.

" You will shoot him...or you die, for nothing." The command whispered with stern cold tone almost made Jason take the gun from the man. Almost. I will not kill. Jason thought to himself.

"I may be a street kid, a thief even, but I am not a murderer and I won't become one for you..." Jason replied, his voice shaking.

Rafael started at Jason, the room in complete silence, heavy with anticipation.


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