Chapter 14 - Sleepover

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After a ten minute pillow fight, you're both exhausted. You take a seat on the couch and Zak does the same, grabbing a remote and flicking on the TV. A cooking show plays out of the speakers and you hear a slight grumble near you.

"Oh no, my stomach," complains Skeppy, covering with a hand. "I'm hungry. What should I order?"

"I'm fine with anything," you reply, wanting to be polite.

"Okay! I'm getting pizza. It should be here in like 20 minutes."

"Okiedokie. What should we do in the meantime?"

Skeppy scratches his chin. "Hmm, I dunno." He pauses, then his eyes light up with an idea. "We should make a fort!"

You nod excitedly. "Yeah, that sounds fun! I'll grab some pillows." You rush over to the guest bedroom and grab as many pillows as you can carry, which is only about 4. As you enter the living room, Zak scoffs.

"You can only carry that many? What a noob." He winks at you and strolls confidently over to his own bedroom. He comes back out holding 6 pillows, almost suffocating in them as he walks. "I have six," he says with a slightly muffled voice.

"What was that Zak? I can't hear you through the fabric," you giggle.

He attempts to shift the pillows so he can speak clearly, but fails and two fall off onto the ground. You snicker.

"Ha! You can also only carry four. Nooooooob."

"No, you're the noob!" Zak drops the rest of the pillows on the ground and then suddenly comes over to you.

"Oh gosh, please don't tickle me again Zak I don't have the energy!" You start to back away, but Zak stops moving.

"No, no, come here. I'm not trying to tickle you."

"Okaaaay." You walk over to him. "What do you want then?"

He laughs maniacally. "Haha! You fell into my trap!" He reaches out his hand to tickle you but you smack his arm with a pillow.

Zak takes the pillow from your hands and throws it aside. "You really thinks pillow can defeat me, young noob? I am Zak, ruler of the tickles." He notices you look anxious and stops immediately. "Don't worry Y/n. You're my noob." You blush and run into the guest bedroom to grab some blankets to keep setting up the fort.

When you come back out, you see that Skeppy has already set up a rough outline of the fort with pillows.

Was he trying to make a circle...that's the worst circle I have ever seen.

You laugh and say, "Wow. Nice fort Skep."

"Thank you! I worked very hard on it," he says proudly.

I hope he is being sarcastic.

You set the pile of blankets down of the couch and help set up the pillows, making the fort taller and shaped in an actual circle.

"Hey Zak do you have clothespins so we can hold the blankets in place where we want them?"

"Uhh....nope! But I do have duct tape, will that work?"

"Hahaha sure. We can try it at least."

You begin to cut pieces of tape off the roll while Zak attaches them to the edges of blankets. He positions them so the top of the fort in covered and you're done fairly quickly using this system.

Ding dong!

Skeppy's doorbell rings.

"I hope that's the pizza!" He exclaims. He opens the door, and it is the pizza.

Skeppy takes the pizza from the delivery man and pays him, tipping him 50 dollars. The flustered man says "Thank you for the tip!" about a million times before Skeppy has a chance to close the door.

"Why did you do that?" You ask him. "50 bucks is so much! You could buy, like, a new pair of shoes or something with that!"

"I just like making people's days. It's fun to see their reactions! I'm not always a troll you know."

"Sorry, sorry. You just don't act like that in videos is all."

"Well I gotta enhance my personality on there. The real me is less mean, I guess. But I still do like to tease. Obviously. Life is no fun without a few pranks."

"That's makes sense. Anyways come here and check out the inside of the fort! And bring the pizza," you add hungrily.

Zak pushes aside the blanketed doorway of the fort and notices it is much taller than he expected. There's enough room for both of you to sit up straight without hitting your heads. "Wow, we did a great job! This is so cool."

He picks up a slice of pizza and takes a bite, savoring the cheesy flavor.

You do so as well, using the couch as a backrest.

Skeppy reaches over and grabs your free hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.

You're savoring the moment more so than the pizza.

After you've each eaten several pieces, you notice Skeppy blinking his eyes heavily. "Aww, tired?"

He snaps his eyes open. "Totally not."

You laugh. "You're an awful liar."

He smiles back sheepishly. "Okay, maybe I'm a bit tired. I should head to bed." He crawls slightly forward to exit the fort, but you grab his foot as he's leaving.

"Don't go..."

"But Y/n I'm tireddd!"

"Just...sleep in here! Like a true sleepover," you suggest, hopefulness in your eyes.

He smirks. "Why do you want me to stay so bad?"

"Because I lov-- because I like you! A lot."

"Mmhmm, you're gonna have to try and persuade me better than that."

You sigh. "Okayy fine. You're like the best person ever and I'm a little afraid of the dark so it would be nice to have someone sleep here with me. Especially if that someone is you. Cuz you're awesome."

He giggles. "Eh...good enough. I'll stay, just for you."


You move the pizza box out of the fort and lay down, scooting over by a lot to give him more room to stretch out. You notice that the lights are still on, making the fort still very bright. So bright it would be difficult to sleep. "Zak are we gonna keep the lights on?"

"Nah. Watch this." He claps twice and the lights turn themselves off, plunging the room into complete darkness.

You shudder and pull a blanket over your body.

Skeppy glances over and sees you're visibly scared. "Y/n, you can get closer to me. I don't bite I promise."


You inch closer to him so slightly that it's barely noticeable, then turn the opposite direction, away from him. You're still super scared of the dark, but you try not to think about it.

This is such a dumb fear. You're in the most powerful fort ever. Nothing can get you in here.

Skeppy wraps his arm around your side, spreading a feeling of safeness throughout your body.  "Better?" he whispers softly, his breath warm on the back of your neck.

"Yeah." You both slowly drift off to sleep, enjoying each other's company.

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