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lol so i never update but here ya go
(there's gonna be some underaged smoking, so if that makes you uncomfortable DO NOT READ)

wyatts pov

it's 11 pm on a wednesday night, i know im gonna regret staying up tomorrow but that's tomorrow. i'm listening to mac miller while i lay in my bed, 'objects in the mirror' is such a good song. i haven't really been going to school, since nothing interesting is going on. but it's not like my house is anymore interesting than school though.

i only talk to like two people at my school anyways, jaeden and my class friend nautica.
so it's not like i have friends waiting for me, i don't really see the point. im still bored though, I wonder why i have half of the songs in my playlist, i skip them anyway. i click cha cha by freddie dredd, and i get a text from jaeden.

"hey you up?" i read to myself, i don't know whether i should reply or not. a couple days ago jaeden told me he has feelings for me, im not gay. so i kinda ghosted him, but i shouldn't be rude. "ya.. im.. up.." i reply.

"can i come by? we could roll up?" i had to check if my parents were up, it's not like they would care either way, but i don't want them to think jaeden and i have something going on. "sure" i reply, all we're doing is smoking right? it's not that big of a deal? my phone dings and i read "alright im omw"

i walk to my closet to change, i don't have a shirt on, it's just kinda different now so i think i should put one on. i put on a green t shirt with a green and blue flannel over, and keep my gray sweats on. i know he's gonna be here soon, since he doesn't live far. i look in the mirror and try to make my hair look presentable. i move to bed reaching under, grabbing a little box, and i pull out a wrap.

i wait for jaeden while watching tv, then i hear a knock on my window.

Jaeden's pov

i climb up the ladder wyatt keeps next to his window, and knock on it. his eyes move from the tv to the window, he looks good. he always does, but i like that shirt on him. "heyyy!" he says while helping me in, "whats up!" i say back. we both walk over to his bed, "so how you been?" i say while pulling a little bag out of my pocket. "I've been alright, kinda bored since i haven't gone to school"

"i wish my parents would let me stay home whenever i want" i look at him holding the bag as he nods. "bro they don't let me stay home 'whenever' i want" he laughs while talking. "yes they do! you're never at school" i talk to him as he starts to roll. "mmcht nah im always at school!" he always while rolling his eyes sarcastically.

i laugh and pick up his remote, ive been in this room so many times but now it seems different. "put on rick and morty" he says, and that's what i do. "this show is always so confusing though" i say, and he starts laughing "nah you're just dumb" i playfully punch his arm "shut up!"

as the theme song starts to play, he taps on my shoulder and i move my body around, as he sparks it up. we've smoked before, it's not as normal for him as it is for me. "open your window" i say, he shakes his head as he hits the blunt. "why? so people can hear how dumb we sound when we're high?" i roll my eyes.

"no because the smell won't be as bad" he passes it to me and shrugs, "oh well, my parents don't care anyways" i know his parents don't, he's so lucky.

by the time the episode finishes, were already at our last hits. both of us were so high, wyatt looked so cute laughing at everything. "jaeden look at this video-" he says laughing so hard.
"i bet it's not that funny" i say looking at him, trying to contain my laugh. after a few seconds i bust out laughing falling on him, were both dying.

"jaeden you're— so heavy" he says hysterically laughing, " shhh" i say putting my finger over his lip, but he just laughs more. i pick myself up and we both look at each other, "i love you wyatt" i say laughing, but he stops laughing.

after a couple seconds of silence, he looks down and says "i love you too" i look at him confused. "huh?" i said, he's still looking down, then he starts laughing and looks up "i love you too!" he grabs my arm and pulls me to lay next to him. "stop that tickles!" i yell as we both start laughing again.

he puts his hand over my mouth, "shhhh!" i continue to laugh "what if i can't?" i say.
he looks at me, laughing loudly then he puts his lips on mine. he kisses me for what seemed like forever, and when he finally pulls pack i said "i thought you weren't gay?" we both look at each other with pity in our eyes. "im not gay, i just like you."

while this happens, wyatts mom stands at the door waiting for them to notice her. she finally speaks up "umm, what's going on here?" she asks, both of us jump and face her directions. wyatt stammers trying to explain the situation, and she interrupts him. "wyatt we told you! if you're going to smoke in the house with your boyfriend, open the window."  his dad appears behind her nodding, "right wyatt, and why didn't you tell us you were dating?"

wyatt's face turns red "um- we're not dating!" he says quickly, i look at him kinda sad. his mom sighs "well it seems like jaeden wants to be with you by the look on his face, and i think you guys would be so cute together!" his dad nods in agreement. "well i mean it wouldn't be horrible" wyatt says.

i look at him and says "for real? you really want to be with me?" he nods. "yes, i always have secretly, i just think i didn't think about it until now." he says, i laugh while kissing him again. that was such a good night.

hey sorry i never update, I'll probably try to more and i don't know if anyone will even read this since i haven't updated in so long but i hope y'all like it and sorry if the smoking made y'all uncomfortable.

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