Part 2

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Probably gonna update twice tonight cause im stuck in a crush problem myself so that's what the next update will be based on

Wyatt's pov

I can't believe Jack, I mean I can, but still. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, like what I said, or did next would end it, all if I made the wrong choice.

Especially Jaeden's eyes, he looked a little flustered, I looked him in the eyes, I could hear the whispers, from Finn and Jack, that weren't really whispers, both Jaeden and I could hear.

"Oh my gosh, it's happening!!" their giggles we're getting sorta of annoying. "Wyatt, do something."

"Yeah Wy." all of them, basically yelling at me, to do something, so I did. I got up, and ran.

I ran to my house, which was only a few houses away, I ran into my room, and sat against my door. Wow, I realized how embarrassing, I was.

A silent seconds later, the door pushed open, I guess i'm not that strong. Jack appeared, followed by Finn. "You're such a pussy, just kiss him, and get it over with."

With no warning, I was getting pulled down the stairs of my own house, to kiss a boy i've been liking for years. How did I end up in this situation?

Being dragged around is so great, up and down stairs, on the sidewalk. Being pushed through the door. Jaeden looked embrassed, and it was my fault.

"So Wyatt, kiss him. Now." I slowly walked over to him, I looked into his big, beautiful, blue eyes, and leaned in. Our lips softly colliding. I slowly pulled away, only to be pulled back in by Jaeden.

I could hear the other boys' screeches, we both slowly pulled away, blushing.

After a few more rounds, we decided it was getting late. As Jaeden, Finn, and I gathered our stuff, Jaeden stopped me at the door.

"Would you like to go out with me?" I could feel my cheeks heat up, as a smile crept up, on my face. "Yeah." I tried seem cool but I wasn't.

"Okay,.. By the way you're a good kisser, see ya tomorrow." Then he winked at me, and walked out the door. He fucking winked at me, oh my.

Okay so im not gonna update twice since im tired but i'll update tomorrow if i have time

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