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Oh hi again this chapter is gonna be kinda long and really trashy im sorry

Jaeden's pov
Wyatt Oleff, the most perfect boy i had laid my eyes on. He was in my history class, he was quiet but cute. There was no doubt, I had feelings for him. It's obvious he doesn't have those feelings back, we don't even talk.

"Okay class, so today we are going to pick groups for our class project". The project was about marriages in history. We had to find a married couple who made history or something. Jaeden nor Wyatt were really paying attention, i mean class was boring anyways. "The project was going to be presented in the cafeteria, after school. Parents are welcome to join and home transportation is provided."
The project was going on during the time the would do annual after school festival kind of thing. Which didn't make sense to Jaeden but oh well.

Jaeden's pov
"Jaeden Lieberher, Wyatt Oleff, and Jeremy Taylor are a group".  My eyes widen and I tried to find the fact that I was nervous as Wyatt looked over at me with a small smile. Awe I love his smile. As the teacher continued talking, I just doodled in my notebook, trying to avoid eye contact with Wyatt. He kept glancing at him every few minutes, I didn't really mind but it was embarrassing.

"Okay everyone get in their groups." I didn't even bother to get up as I already saw Wyatt walking over to me, "Hey.. Jae" Wyatt said with a small smile. "H-hey"

Over the span of a couple weeks Wyatt and Jaeden were amazed by their progress. Jeremy didn't really help he just went on his phone or talked about random. Wyatt and Jaeden thought Jeremy was cool but they just wanted to finish. Jaeden loved how Wyatt would get happy when figured out something that could benefit the project. Everyday Jaeden would go home and tell his mom what happened, his mom was very supportive and loved hearing Jaeden ramble about all the cute things Wyatt did.

Jaeden's pov
Day of the prestations..

"Which one is your mom?" I pointed over to my mom who waved, how embarrassing. "That's my mom" Wyatt said pointing to his mom. She didn't wave she just smiled.

Then it was our turn to present, i wasn't nervous I knew we did a good job. I wasn't gonna lie, Wyatt looked cute.

But as soon as we finished presenting, I saw my mom talking to Wyatt's. I knew this wasn't going to end well. I already had an uneasy feeling as I walked off the stage where we we're presenting.

I had went to go talk to my mom and Wyatt did the same, except when he came back he was more smiley and stuff. "Hey do you want to stay and do some stuff with me?" I wanted to say yes but I wondered why he even asked me. "Sure" I smiled, what was I thinking.

"Hey Jae.." A few hours went by of us playing around even though we were in 7th grade. "Yeah Wy?". "You like me?" that's when I got that uneasy feeling again, I had no idea what to do so I ran. I sat in a dim lighted hallway. I sat with my knees close to my face. How did he even find out? I thought for a minute, my mom.

"Jae?" Wyatt stood hovering over me. "I- is it true?" I didn't know what to do but I wanted to scream or something. "Y-yeah". I regretted it the second I said it, but there was no going back.

"I-I like you too"

Wow this is absolute trash sorry for wasting your time

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