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I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 25836363 years enjoy this one

Wyatt's POV
I can't believe my mom actually talked me into this. I mean, I hate clowns and scary shit. Why?! She says it will be a "new experience" ,and how there will be other kids. I don't care! I love my mom but seriously, is that supposed to make me feel better?

I mean, I already got the part, but it's not like the actual movie. I'm nervous to meet all the other kids. I hope they like me..

As I walked through the door I could feel eyes on me. Oh no, is my hair messy or something?

3rd person

Wyatt's curl draped over his tan forehead. He looked around, and saw a few faces. Sophia Lilis, Jeremy Taylor, Finn Wolfhard, and Jaeden Lieberher. He had to admit he thought jaeden was cute. Jaeden could say the same for Wyatt.

He took a seat next to Jeremy because they were already familiar with each other. Another person walked through the door. Chosen Jacobs.

The director came into the room shortly after Jack arrived. "Hello children. Today we are just going to meet each other, it's always nice to have new friends right?" All of them just looked around at each other in silence. "This is going to be so easy!" Andy said with and obvious sarcastic tone.

Jaeden's pov
Andy seemed nice, but I wasn't exactly the social butterfly type. Everyone looked nice though. The person I first wanted to talk to was Wyatt, he's seems nice but shy. Same as me.

Andy led us into a room so him and the grownups can have an "adult chat" we all sat down. It was so awkward, I wanted to say something to Wyatt. I couldn't help stare at him. I could tell that he couldn't keep his eyes off me either.

So I walked up to him "hey I'm Jaeden" he smiled. He has a cute smile. "Hi" he paused "I- I'm Wyatt"

3rd person (sorry I keep switching)

they looked at each other blush spread across their cheeks. Jaeden sat down next to Wyatt and they talked awkwardly, but it was cute. After a few minutes Andy walked into the room

"Okay so here's what we're going to do" basically they we're gonna sit in a circle and go around saying one thing about there Selfs.

Wyatt went first " hi I'm Wyatt I like naruto" that's when jaeden's confidence went up. He liked naruto aswell.

it went all around until it got to Jaeden "hi I'm Jaeden I like Wyatt"

Sorry this was bad oof I'm tired and I wanted to update a better update will come soon

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